Update: Okay so I'm sick.
My roommates got Covid and I feel pretty bad. I don't think it's covid, feels pretty tame and likely just a coincidental bug, but I still have to be careful and can't do stuff.

I owe an exclusive for this week, and I want to get the poll up. I'll probably try to get those done today and tomorrow, sorry it's late.

In other news, reopening subscribestar so far has been a pretty big failure. The effort to profit ratio is insanely low, and that's accounting for the fact that I was smart and went in with low efforts.

Starting January, I'll be shifting things to be 4 polls a month instead of weekly exclusives and a poll here or there. I'll be making efforts to advertise it, and making a whole bash of it. I want this to succeed and I would like to have fun.

Come February, if new efforts do not result in a noticable influx of supporters, Subscribestar will likely be closed back down to just a tip jar again. I know better than to bash my head against a wall pointlessly.

Either way, you'll receive both pieces soonish. I will keep my word. Thank you.