January 15th 2024: Progress Report

Hello everyone and Happy Belated New Years!! I can't believe half of the first month of 2024 is already basically over...

Without further ado, here is this year's first Progress Report!

...But there isn't much "progress" to report on however... not that work weren't done, but with holidays and all that, basically it's was just continuing work on the P Cup DLC while dealing with holiday and family stuff.

For me, I also spent, I would say around the last 3~4 weeks really, really getting into boardgames and exploring and trying out some of the most popular complex board games out there, namely I've tried learning and playing: Spirit Islands, Race to the Galaxy, Hegemony, Ark Nova, Marvel Champions LCG, Arkham Horror 3e board game, Arkham Horror LCG, and the LoTR LCG, and a few other smaller ones too. Of the bunch, Spirit Islands have been my favorite and really kicked off me experimenting more with board games just because I dunno, you might think (okay I'm just projecting here) well, board games just can't be as complex as a video game right? Because there's all these physical parts and pieces and there is only so much you can keep track on.


Bad Rem, hit him in the head! But not too hard

In fact, if you think about, Baldur's Gate 3, aka most people's GoTY 2023 is based off of a board game's ruleset. So there is in fact, a lot to also learn from board games and how they're designed despite, or rather, in spite of their certain limitations. And Spirit Island I would say is just extremely, impressively well-designed and just it alone has a lot anyone can pick up on for game design.

So yeah, disregard most of the second half of the last month's post because I just ended up spending most of the last few weeks just going bananas spending as much time as I can picking up and trying out board games hahahahaha. And there's still so much more to catch up on, it's very exciting (for me)

And finally, some news on the eroge that we're publishing that I talked about in last month's post......

So... it failed the Steam review twice, but was not banned. Failing the review process is not a big deal, pretty much every time I've submitted a game to Steam for review, it failed in a new different way that I've never failed before. But what is really soul-grindingly tough and annoying and mentally taxing this time...... is how... freaking... long...... the review process has been......

There was a period of over TWO WEEKS, almost three, between Steam getting back to me after the first failure that there was a different issue that I need to address. Mind you from their own documents and my past experiences, the review process is supposed to take generally 2-4 work days, and further followups if needed (and I've always needed them) are usually faster. So it's just have been urgh, I can't concentrate with this review process crap draining me, I'll just try out new board game. Thankfully playing new board game has been good and hopefully will end up being productive in the future when I use what I've learned to create a new game.

And with all that said, it's time to wrap up this month's Progress Report. There were earthquakes in Asia at the start of the new year, and the weather here has just fallen below zero degrees Celsius. Scary start to the new year, but everyone just please stay safe and warm, and let's soldier on together!!!