Scruffles' Devlog 1

Sup folks!

Aight, yay, first actual for real devlog.  October/November was a crazy couple of months of near solid development. Between an absolutely nutty Halloween crunch at my IRL work, and an extension of development across an additional month without a "marketing week break" at the end of October, as well as juggling everyday family and social lifestuff... Burnout is a bad choice of words, but I was definitely exhausted. 

Overall, I'm generally pretty happy with how the update came out. Also, just an interesting piece of information, Detached is now at 147k words! That's more than a debut Fantasy novel!

WOW. (insert Own Wilson meme here)

So I've just been taking it easy this week, playing a few games, and doing some light writing and scene making to ease back into things instead of jumping right in.  

Something to note: Things are happening story-wise, and the next 2-3 updates will have very little in terms sandbox elements, if anything, and will be heavily geared towards progressing story in a kinetic fashion.  

Since I am trash at coding, as is evident with my regular needs for making Day 1 patches, it is highly suggested to have an additional save before going into 0.8.0.  


I also helped organise, and am part of, a new (free) bundle on The 18+ Winter Games Bundle!   

As with the last bundle, it's 100% free, but donations are always welcome!  It's much larger than the last one, sitting at 35 games. A bunch of titles from the previous bundle, as well as a ton of new blood as well! So feel free to check it out, it's free after all.

Aight, I think that's all I got this time around.

See you all around!