Greetings everyone, Happy Holidays to all of you from us reprobates over here doodling awful things for you!
We've both been working over the festive period, as well as enjoying the festivities briefly, and we're proud say we can release this new update before the year's out; and it's a fun one too!
Tib has been, among many other fixes and tweaks and things that I can't list here, implementing a change log feature into the game itself so you don't get all of the individual changes cluttering up these devlogs; though do say if you'd like them here too, whatever you'd like. 
Amber's phone has also been turned back on and is functioning beautifully so far, it's already great in my opinion and there's going to be lots of fun to be had with it in the future too, so look out for that, aaaand last but not least we have:
We did previously have sound, you may remember, but this is a further sort of sound that takes place in the gallery section of the game you see; some sounds that were lovingly arranged by yours truly (not recorded by, they were made by the wonderful ZonkPunch who put them out for free use a few years back, so thank you to them immensely it's been very helpful), and will hopefully be a nice addition to the whole thing; see what you think anyway, they can always be changed up, was certainly a fun course in audio work I can tell you, Godot's great for that sort of thing.
Next up we hope to get some new areas to you, along with many other little improvements, but for now enjoy the enhanced gallery and see how you enjoy the phone!
it's up in the usual spot on the Itchio website, download it there!

And hopefully everybody has a good New Year too, full of parties or maybe not if that's not your cup of tea, either way I hope it will be a nice one and 2024 won't be too horrific by comparison; never know eh?