Good morning Wanderers~ Update

I believe I spoke on this before, but work has been trickling in a bit more lately which is definitely been keeping the lights paid for the past few months. Still looking for alternative viable means of income which is why I have been so inactive lately. I'm working on a system to where I can still get work out while tasking myself with other things...Maybe I'll post every Monday or Wednesday? I hear Wednesday is a good day to post- Updates, Life stuff, Art know the usual.
Regardless, I'm giving myself the time constraint to get the Castlevania Animation with Adouard and the Night Creature out by the 15th.  My fans have supported me when no one else could/would and I definitely appreciate every one of you that has stuck around for the ride. So I should honor that generosity. :)
I have some other ideas for the rest of the month, but we'll see where the wind blows when we get there.
Side note, I want to do a poll for the  next animation at 5 Paid subscribers (or another odd number). Is that too soon? Perhaps that number is too small for a poll but I never thought I'd get one patreon, and now I got a WHOLE 2 haha! I'm pretty happy about you guys liking my work so I might be jumping the gun. What do you guys think?