Supporter Newsletter - Plans for 2024

Hello everyone,  

First of all, I wanna apologize for the lack of art this past year, no, the lack of activity in general. My fears and self doubt got the better of me and caused me to lose motivation to be present and to create things. I'm currently waiting in line for an appointment with a therapist to seek some help with my low self esteem issues, my lack of confidence, my imposter syndrome and and many other issues I struggle with internally constantly. All of this also affected me in many other ways too, I have several health related issues, which are mainly caused by the problems above. But I've had enough. 
I want to change, start fresh and experiment more, learn (and re-learn) more. Learn how to walk again.  Which is why I made the following decisions: 

Starting in 2024, I'll be "rebranding" to just 'Scarlet Samidare' or simply 'Samidare'. Starting fresh under a new name should allow me to view things in a different way, change some aspects of how I handle things and focus more on the things that make me happy.  

Truthfully, I've been meaning to change my name for a while now, I just don't feel the current one has a nice ring to it anymore, as I once did 10 years ago when I first made it. So this rebrand will also serve this purpose. 

You can still call me by my old name if you prefer it (some places won't let me change it even), but going forward this will be my new name. Besides, 'Scarlet Spy' is still a name I will use for some things, so it's not completely gone. And it's not like I'm gonna go over all my previous works and change the name there either, so they will still be signed with my old name. lol

Besides, 'Scarlet Spy' is still a name I will use for some things, so it's not completely gone. And it's not like I'm gonna go over all my previous works and change the name there either, so they will still be signed with my old name. lol

With all that being said, my plans for 2024 are a lot simpler this time: just do stuff. More stuff. Push myself a little harder. Do better. Change it up.  Hopefully I can make a turnaround in my life and get things moving again. Go back to how it was a couple years ago.  

It will be a little bit until I accommodate myself to the changes and things I wanna do, but hopefully everything should start moving at a steady pace as soon as I start.  

I'm glad you all enjoyed the few pieces of art I put out last year and I hope to make a lot more for this one, as well as more doodles and sketches, and share more of my work behind the scenes.

Thank you all who stuck with me thus far, you're wonderful (and VERY patient) and I appreciate you a lot! I hope I can make things more worthwhile in the future for you and for me. 

May 2024 bring much happiness, many accomplishments and good health for all of us 