Wet Nightmares - Dev Pages 04

The spoops are upon us, and what better time to do a spoopy update for Wet Nightmares?
Development is moving along at an incredible pace, we are doing tests of the build internally and ensuring it is all perfect. Little bits of additional dialogue are being added to fix some misunderstandings and such. The hardest part about building this game is making sure the atmosphere is good, since we are working in a visual novel format here there isn’t much other than pacing we can do to affect the mood of our readers. Audio cues, creating renders for specific scenes, and such. It all takes time to perfect
The long and short of it, we are taking our time to make sure Wet Nightmares is perfect. You’ll be pleased when it’s in your hands, that we can be sure of.
Here are some new scenes from Chapter 2! We hope you all have a very safe and spoopy Halloween! And try not to bang too many very convincing girls in costume… you never know…