Should have the new build up with some additional characters and animations sometime next week.  Really wanted to try to get the save system working.  It will also have the new BG3 characters, Borderlands Lilith, and Elvira, who I posted as a Halloween special yesterday.
As for the future, I honestly don't know.  You may have noticed a restructuring on here including adding back the money view I turned off long ago, and there is a reason for that.  (TLDR at the bottom)
My support on this platform has been bleeding a lot in recent years, and I understand why.  Have had lots of failed projects that fizzled out, partnerships that went south, all because I couldn't keep my brain focused on it.
It was not till the last year I finally got myself checked out, and found out I have adult ADHD that has been getting worst as I age.  Maybe I even mentioned this before on here, but I don't remember, because I can often find myself blind to time and forget things quickly once my brain drifts.  WoW, for over ten years, was my hyper-fixation, and that is why I was so good at keeping up with it.  It was, to put it bluntly, my life.
When I lost WoW during the legal troubles, I spent years attempting to reclaim the spark, to "latch on" to something else.  FF14, Star Wars, League of Legends, Darksiders, etc.  All of them had stuff I liked about them, but nothing grabbed me like WoW did.  Sometimes I would just continue to animate WoW stuff, never to post it publicly, because I missed my characters and what I had, and all my other projects and ideas would languish, before drifting away from me.  It's not something I was able to just willpower through, because my brain simply discards everything once it's moved to my peripheral.
Why am I bringing all this up? Because finally, after so long, I got the spark (hyper-fixation) back with Orcslayers.  I know it's not what everyone wants, because you all can't just live through the familiarity we all shared with worlds like WoW and FF14, but I feel like it's the only shot I have of keeping myself focused and productive and not just quitting animating, like I have considered so many times before.  To make up for it I am doing my best to add more famous characters as cameos and swaps that I know people like.
The bad news is, it took too long for me to reach here.  For over a year and a half now I have been working multiple jobs.  One is a night job delivering pizzas, all to keep my expenses from collapsing.  Other works I tried to do as commissions, but like I mentioned earlier that often gets pushed to my peripheral due to my fixation, meaning they rarely get done on time, some even taking years.  It's why I try not to accept normal commissions anymore.  Even just writing this post is taking everything I have, because my brain wants to open up Unreal and start coding something weird or make a new stage.  Now my family has asked me to move back to a full-time job.
While I never plan to drop Orcslayers, as it's now become my fixation, the amount of work I can put into it is going to drop drastically should I move into a full-time job + family responsibilities. There is no way around this other then somehow getting back the support I lost, and I don't even know how possible that is.  Again, I don't want to be doom and gloom.  Am always going to work a little bit on it, even if I just do stuff in what little free time I have.  Hell, this post terrifies me, because I know a lot of you will probably drop as soon as it's uploaded, but I can't let my fear stop me from being transparent and clear.  At this point, there isn't much more I can lose.
So if you like what I do, please, maybe tell a few pervy friends about it, or repost my drafts on twitter or other places.  Maybe, if I am lucky, I will get at least enough support back to be able to reach equilibrium with my family (2000).  If not, well, I will have to figure out where to slot it all in.  Thank you, those that still have stuck with me through all the troubles and the failures.
(TLDR) Due to losing so much support, my family has asked me to look into other full-time employment.  After years, I found a spark with Orcslayers I have not had since WoW, but without enough support it will have to become a hobby again like when I first started to animate.  If I can get more support (2000 minimum between here and Patreon) I can maybe change some plans, so any help getting people interested with Orcslayers would be appreciated, but either way, thanks everyone, and I hope you stick around for what updates I can push out regardless of where my employment road leads.  There is much more I want to do in Unreal and with my characters.  Thank you.