Merry Christmas everyone. I hope you all get your xmas wishes. I know I do not post much but there hasn't been much to post. I did end up back in the hospital but this time because I literally did not have enough blood in my system so they did a transfusion. I am better now as far as that goes but only just as I am still below normal when I had my blood tested. 
  On to other news. I am in talks with someone about becoming the writer for Severed Realms. Right now he is busy writing his own game but might be able to slowly write tuff for me when he has time. I have not asked about Nobody Knows though. Which leads to another issue and I am pissed about it... My main 10tb drive on my other tower blew up taking out the OS as well even though it was on a different drive. Now here is the problem. I knew the drive was failing. I moved all my asset files off it into one of my external drives... Or so I thought. . . . Severed Realms is all set those files moved fine... However Nobody Knows..... didn't move over..... I am going to have to try and recreate all the models I had made so far.... I got the other tower running again in hopes that they would be stashed on the other storage drive but no luck. So yea there is that and nothing I can do short of spending a ton of money having the data pulled by people that do that stuff and its not cheap.
  As for my other issues I am having ups and downs with my health still and do not want to go into details but I will say this. Some of the issues are rather personal and embarrassing. Between the actual issue(s) and the medications it is all messing up with my day to day things. Between dealing with pain, randomly passing out from my meds along with them turning my brain into incoherent mush I have not had a fun time.
  If anyone it interested in helping with either game or both please feel free to contact me preferably on discord. Oh yes I should mention I am trying to work with some other to resurrect a different game. My role will be trying to manage the group. My game take priority and they know that but I will help the best I can with smaller things. Anyway..... I hope you all have a awesome Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
