A Subscribestar. I’m almost as surprised as you are. Rather than monologue like most creators would, I’ll cut right to the chase.

What is this Subscribestar for?
A monster girl doujin hub, mostly. We'll post short LN stuff here, too. We'll be continuing to make other content, but this is where I’ll be publishing one-pager comics, WIPs of doujins, and high-res versions of the completed doujins.

Why start one now?
Visibility is a big problem when it comes to releasing content. In recent months with working with other artists, I’ve realized that Patreon and Subscribestar are actually extremely useful when it comes to building a following, regardless of how much people pledge. Maintaining a relationship between followers who are fans of the content and the people who actually make it is the point, not the money. 
The amount of subscribers will determine how much content we can put out. If we reach a certain amount of support, we may be able to bump up the content to three- or four-pagers at one point, etc.

What the Subscribestar Isn’t
It’s not a paywall. There will be exclusive content, but the plan is to have older Subscribestar content eventually be released for free. One of my pet peeves is content creators who place all of their content behind a paywall and if the followers don't like it well that's tough luck for them. My plan is to also have a lot of sales and giveaways and have a little something for everyone.

What not Patreon?

Patreon polices content and has even been rumored to claim ownership of others' IPs. Something like that is not an option.

If you're still reading this, thank you for your patience. More good stuff is soon to come!