Gobwatch - Chapter 1: Tracer

Tracer encounters a trap that was set just for her, but the resulting transformation into a big-dicked, bimbo goblin is far more alarming than any normal ambush…

The link has been sent out to everyone. It's also available in discord in the subscriber-links channel. Let me know if you didn't get it, or can't access it.


I like how I can work my ass off before a deadline, but as soon as it's passed I'm like, "Uggghhhhhhh, this is soooooo difficult.... why am I like this? Blaaaaaah" Maybe it's like, "Well, I failed. Time to drag this out forever now!"? I dunno. It's a definite area for improvement, though.

Either way, I'm obviously still behind. (Haha, what's new, right?) I'm on my way to finally catching up, though. My current plan is to work on a new, original fanfic piece for Super Hot, which I'm sure is a weird choice to many of you, but I feel like it needs to be made.

That's going to happen after I take care of a WoW commission first, which should be fun if you're into Fall of Darnassus. It's not in the same timeline, but I think it has the same tone so far. There's nothing too weird planned (for the first chapter), but it's going to be rough. So, if you're into that you're in for a treat!

Otherwise, commissions will either open back up the last week of the month, or I might just wait until October. I haven't decided yet. It mostly just depends on how quickly I knock out these two stories, though. We'll see.

Anyway, that about covers it for now. Thanks for your patience! :D