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Dev Blog #024

Shiiit! The last time I was early by four days; this time, I was late like six weeks!

Pre-Release and V0.06
Honestly, the last six weeks have flown by; I was focused on getting V0.06 out for a few weeks and then had some bug fixes. I have posted pretty regularly on Discord with minor updates on progress etc., in the #dev-blog channel.

As you'll all know, I released V0.06 at the beginning of April; the run-up to that was pretty fucking manic, to put it bluntly. The weekend before release, I had severe issues with code on my custom screen and other areas. I had an army of people in the chat with me working on it; at one point, I totally zoned out Shaddy & Thor's Hamster were having deep discussions about code stuff. Finally, I got it sorted, but that was at 6:30am my time after working on it for 19 hours straight; luckily, it was Saturday, so I could lie in, but no, I was woken at 10am by the kids. 

The update went out to beta testers, and over that week, I made all the tweaks and improvements. I continued making additional tweaks until release day, which bit me in the ass. I should know better, only change things that need changing when you're out to beta; changes should be to fix issues with the release and not to add more stuff. If you do add things, have it retested!

I had decided to add some code for the Achievements system that I'll be implementing, and instead of taking it out, I left it in. I tested it on my PC, but it had everything, all that lovely WIP scripts, etc., so, of course, it all worked. Unfortunately, I was also notified of an issue with my MAC build. The contents were outside the 'app' folder, so I fixed this too. 

I took a few days off and went fishing, three wonderful days beside the water relaxing and catching some decently sized fish. Man, it was bliss! Then, I returned and went deep into developing the next release. 

I decided the bar scene I was using was terrible; it was too upscale for what I was looking for, so I went to look for something more rustic. Finally, I found a bar I mostly like; to be fair, I could make my own, but I have enough custom asset projects on the go. So I just had to settle for something close to what I wanted. I might change it in the future, but who knows? It's not like I'll be revisiting this place, I think.

I've also been busy supporting some of my fellow developers on their games. I made custom Travel Agents for Cr8tive M3dia's OctoPussy Island. Also, made a custom 'Garden' for Shaddy Games; he needed somewhere to park an RV at Rose's parent's house and in true Snowy style, I went crazy! Yep, I took advantage of Shaddy taking a few days away to build him an (in my humble opinion) stunning landscaped garden with yet another custom pool. I also added the basement parking that this particular asset only ever showed the double garage doors too.

I also got a little bored at night and started working on a custom menu screen for Cr8tive M3dia's Limitless. I had talked him into doing an ATL script menu and then coded it for him, and it looks great, especially with the new menu buttons and support link icons 😊. I also helped him code his dynamic menu for OPI too. Also, it looks fantastic.

Hmm, what else have I done? Oh, yeah! I re-wrote the whole code to my custom in-0game menu and redesigned the entire thing. I kinda get carried away sometimes, but visual aesthetics of things is really important to me, so I try to do the best I can with the bit of skill I have. Shaddy was also VERY happy with me doing this, as he HATED working on my bastardised code. So now it's all coded properly using mainly RenPy code. It works even better than before and is now more flexible. This new menu will allow me to change things as and when needed, which is something I couldn't have done so quickly before. It also solves one of my problems: how do I realistically get the player to use this menu outside of the VR world. 

This isn't just an ordinary menu screen anymore either *big cheesy grin* when you open the screen, it will tell what chapter and what scene you are on, and it will also show you a progress bar so you can see how close you are to the end of the current content; I know, you're welcome! I also provide quick controls, so you can quickly change the music & sfx volumes and text speed without delving into the menus. I have also expanded the number of features on the screen; it now has Save, Load, Main Menu and bonus features. This will make it feel more immersive as you won't have to switch between screens now.

Anyway, that's all I have for now; I have to fix a few scenes, so there's a lot of opening, tweaking and saving going on. Once these are done, I'll render them out to put into the next update. I can't wait to get past these few scenes because I want to introduce some other characters, which will also be nice for you guys.



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Dev Blog #023

Yes, I'm early this time by four days, but I had to get these back into a weekend release rather than mid-week.

Centralisation is a Bitch!
I have had one of the most frustrating 10-day periods (not the bleeding, wrong gender) in recent times. I wrote how I'd purchased the ASUS ROG FLOW X16 last time; I thought, 'why have two versions of my Daz Library when I could centralise them and only have one?'. Not a flawed thought process, right? Sounds like the smart thing to do, right? The answer to both of those is obviously yes! But implementing is a right fucking chew on!!

I will start at the beginning so you can live through all this trauma too, but please don't send me your therapy bills. I started this journey to despair with the SABRENT USB 3.0 4 BAY 2.5" HDD/SSD DOCKING STATION, which is brilliant; the fans are a little loud, but you can turn it off when not in use…

## Note; if I find any useful tech, I'll provide a link to them on Amazon or something; I'm not affiliated, so I don't get anything for sharing. ##

…After ordering, it arrived the next day; go PRIME! Plugged it and stuck 4 different-sized SSDs in, and boom, four new disk drives were ready for data. I copied my libraries over; it wasn't a painful experience, but it took a long ass time. Eight hours of sleep later, my data was all copied over, and I was ready to start exploring options for centralisation.

My first choice was a Router with a USB 3.0 port. I helped Cr8tive M3dia set up his ASUS RT-AC86U Wi-Fi AC2900 Mesh Router earlier in the week. This was done via Discord, so it took a while; you forget how good Teams is in such situations. Anyway, I'm getting off-track; It took some jiggery-pokery to get this FTP share to work, but we got there. A few days later, I bought the same router and figured, hey, I know who it's done, and I know it works; wise investment. Another few days later, the router arrived, I set the whole thing up in less than 10 minutes, and everything worked to a point. Luckily the ASUS router has a mobile app that can monitor the router status. It was crashing like a test dummy in a car. The internet never dropped out, but the router couldn't handle large file data transfers; both CPUs & the RAM were at 100%. So back to the drawing board, I had an FTP share that worked but couldn't handle the data load, so I needed a more robust solution.

A home server! Did some research; yes, it was the perfect solution, only problem mega bucks or DIY. The Megabucks were out of the question, so DIY it was. I had my old laptop; I could make that into a file server. Then it dawned on me I would have to have this on all the time, and energy is at a premium right now, so I thought that maybe this wasn't the best way to go. Back in Discord, I was pissing and moaning to Shaddy, and he mentioned that he thought Westy used a NAS drive for this exact purpose. And, when you speak of the Devil, he shall appear; Westy popped into the chat a few minutes later, so I got to quiz him on his setup. Turns out he uses OneDrive, and although it works a treat, he is also considering a networked solution.

A few more days went by, and I'm considering my options and downloading missing Daz assets because if I get this all to work seamlessly, I want to jump right into things. I can't remember who mentioned it, but it was either Shaddy, 13 or Cr8tive. They said using NAS; by sheer fortune, I had a SYNOLOGY DS18 NAS with two 8TB IRONWOLF HDDs. The only problem was I had it turned off the last two years due to regular power cuts, turned out BOTH drives were fucked! What happened next was a long weekend of trying to fix the NAS Drives and figuring out ways to get this all to work. I got to the point where I was about to throw this NAS unit on the floor and smash it to smithereens. At that moment, I had an epiphany; the NAS drives don't work, but if I plug the SABRENT DOCK into one of the two USB 3.0 ports on the back, maybe I can get that to share on the network. Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner! The four drives became available on my NETWORK as shares; I quickly mapped network drives to them on both devices, and it worked like a dream until the next day.

I came home from work excited to start posing a new scene, and no Smart Content in Daz, nada, zilch; what the fuck! Tried everything, went to the forums, and did everything they said; nothing. So the only action is to reinstall my entire library on the network share, no biggy. 275GB, that's all I needed to reinstall; however, things to the network share do move a little slower, and that's to be expected; I'm routing from a PC to NAS to the externally attached storage. So I cancelled the reinstall after an hour and thought, let us see if this worked; it did; I had the few items installed in my innovative Content. So being my excellent nerd, I wanted to know why; eureka! This tiny file called "InstallManagerFileRegister.json" lists ALL the assets installed by DIM (Daz Install Manager) and where to find them. I found two versions, one in the root of the network share and the other in the "Daz Library" sub-folder of the network share. In my error, when I made the sub-folder, I moved everything BUT this file, thinking it was trash. This is an important file, along with those silly 'Manifest Files'. Rolling the older version into the sub-folder and overwriting the newer version solved most of the issues.

Last night; yay, we are in recent history. I started to set things up as my Daughters wanted to create a character for my game; each. They had so much fun making Sarah Love with me that they want to try it independently, so why not. My Smart Content was missing many assets, like the Genesis 8 Figures; around 80% of my library was missing. I instantly knew what had gone wrong; it was to do with the duplicate deleting I talked about a few weeks back. I'd deleted the file I needed, as I wasn't aware of this file's importance. The easiest solution is to reinstall all my Daz assets again. So this is where I am at; currently writing this blog about ONE single issue while 1600+ items are reinstalling. It's 13:24 for me. I started this at 22:36 the night before; why is it taking so long? Besides the slowness of the data transfer between three devices, two of which are data controllers (OS's that manage data transfers the issue is my disk drives were in sleep mode until it detected mouse or keyboard input; needless to say, this is now disabled my drive will sleep no more; until I turn the power off of course.

Anyway, I've had enough rambling about this whole thing, though it feels good to get it off my chest; that might save me some money in therapy. I'll see you guys in the next update, and feel free to message me in Discord.


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Dev Blog #022

It's been two weeks already! Well, more actually, I forgot to post an update; I've had some tech issues this past week.

Clone Wars

No, I'm not talking about Star Wars. I decided to do library cleaning in Daz because I haven't maintained it in months. I discovered I had some duplicates and wanted to purge these, thinking hey, I won't have that many right? I used WinMerge to compare two folders and discovered more files than I thought. So, I went to each location and deleted the files individually, which was a MAJOR mistake. I accidentally deleted a primary folder and fucked up the file I was currently rendering.
· Lesson One: Never manage your library while rendering a 900-frame scene.
· Lesson Two: Don't delete any files if you manually compare two locations.
· Lesson Three: Find an application that does this for you but allows you to decide which files you want to delete.
I found a perfect application called 'Duplicate File Finder'. I had to pay for it to delete the duplicated files. The program is excellent; you post a link to the 'Master' folder(s) and the 'Target' folder(s). Tell it to make a comparison and wait until it's complete. It will give you three options 'Delete Oldest', 'Delete Newest' or 'Let me Choose'. Let me choose the best options; it allows you to review each file, and no, I didn't review each file. I wasn't prepared to check over 300,000+ duplicates totalling over 100+ GB of data. But I did select all copies in the target folder and hit delete. This way, I could choose which folder kept the files, making my life much easier. This whole process took me three days to complete as I was comparing quite a few different libraries, but now I'm down to only two of them, and they're duplicate-free.


Other than the epic battle of the clones this week, I needed some power-ups; oh man, I love the smell of new electronics! I had been rendering a 900-frame scene this week; unfortunately, it's not new. Instead, I'm replacing my demo release's original animations with better-quality versions. The originals were rendered using a GTX 1660 Super and were at 720p because I didn't know what I was doing, and my hardware was pretty shit. These upgraded animations were rendered on my RTX 3060 and oversampled at 2k before encoding to 1080p.
With my PC otherwise engaged for five days, I thought hey, I'll work on my laptop and do some script work etc. Well, that took about a day to do, and I was twiddling my thumbs, so I decided, you know, I need a new laptop that can run Daz, allowing me to pose scenes while my PC is rendering. So day and a bit later, my shiny new ASUS ROG Flow X16 arrived, and a fucking love it! It's versatile, and I enjoy the tablet experience. When playing an AVN, I can download the PC version, hold the laptop like a tablet, and navigate using the touch screen; so good. So a few hours after unboxing, I was ready to go and realised I needed to copy my Daz Libraries over, and this got me thinking, do I need two copies, or can I work smart and have one library for all machines?
I chose the 'one library to rule all libraries but to do that, and I needed more tech upgrades and a ballache of a tidy up of my existing Daz libraries. I have a Synology DS218 NAS with 2 8TB disk drives, well did; now I have a DS218 NAS with no disk drives because they're both fucked! At £175 for each new 8TB drive, they can get fucked. So instead, I bought a 4-drive SSD dock by Sabrent and a new router with a USB 3.0 port for network-attached storage, a NAS but not a NAS. You've already read the epic tale that is the Clone Wars, so that I won't bore you again. Unfortunately, the router hasn't turned up, and I have had to buy a second one because the one I wanted 'wasn't in a saleable' condition. I have to wait another two days for the new one to arrive, and then, hopefully, I can have one library to rule them all.


As you can see, this week has been a legendary epic, but there's more. After rendering over 1000 scenes this week for animations, I got them all encoded and looking fantastic. Only to find that at the end of one of those scenes, Zero Seven was missing her facial markings and cybernetic eyes, which meant re-rendering the last 100 frames of the 900-frame animation. But due to being too eager to purge the clones, I have a lot of downloads to find, and there's no point in doing this until the new router arrives.
I haven't been completely absorbed into this because there was quite a bit of downtime while files were being scanned, so I managed to help a few other devs with their games. I made a few logos and animated splash screens, one for Cr8tive M3dia and another for Shaddy Games, which they both loved. I enjoyed making the logos, working with After Effects and searching for music and SFX to mix into the final animations.
Anyway, that's it from me for now; hopefully, I'll work on new renders the next time I update. Oh shit, I forgot to say the script has been 100% finished and QA'd by Thor's Hamster, and I'm also about 50% through the coding and scene allocations in RenPy.
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Dev Blog #021

This past few weeks have been very been quite mixed, I’ve had a lot of variation, which is always good.
PoD Update
Let's start off with a PoD update shall we, I’m sure this is what you all read these for. I emailed Thor’s Hamster the other day saying I had finished the complete script for Chapter 1. I started reading it back backwards, yeah I know makes no sense. However, it was a recommendation from my mum. I feel she was right the disconnect from the ‘flow’ can be jarring which I think allowed my brain to not read what it thought it had written. Turns out that creative inspiration hit me and I had made the last “two” scenes two times longer and needed to change conversations elsewhere. I’m still going through this process, continuity is important for a story and this is basically what this process is. Now do I think Thor is going to have an easy job proofing this? Hell no! The cheeky bugger already said most Devs he proofs for are between 200-300 corrections whereas I am between 700-1000!
The scene that caused all of this creative inspiration was a bonus scene for the Extra Edition of the game, and it isn’t even a lewd one. I had so much fun writing this, I enjoyed it so much that I had to send it over to Thor’s Hamster ASAP. It is the first scene that Seven and One to Six are all in the same scene and I just think it’s a great little scene.
I also mentioned in late 2022 that ‘The Pursuit of Desire' didn’t really match the story anymore and that I was contemplating a change of name. I have definitely settled on the new name, but you will have to wait. I have to create all the new branding; banners, logos, promo images etc and I think I’ll promote this around two weeks before the release of Chapter 1.
Toolbox Talks, Blender & Daz Store
Most of you are aware I have created a new Patreon account for those of you who wish to support me in creating the custom assets I have been making. I’ve been having a boatload of fun doing this and Nate’s (MC’s) House is looking incredible. It has honestly surpassed my expectations, I just love it. I have started to create the kitchen for it; I have made the individual units fully rigged, so doors and drawers will open! The best thing is, these kitchen units are also individual assets so that means when I release them you could create your own custom kitchen layouts! You can check out the post here if you are interested in some renders of the new house.
Blender learning curve has been pretty steep but I think I’ve taken to it like water off a duck's back. My workflows are actually quite smooth, when I learn something new I go back and incorporate it, this means that sometimes I am a lot slower but the end result is really worth it. Now, I don’t do any modelling in Blender, yet, but I will do it at some point in the very near future. This is going to take some learning so I’ll be doing this when I need a change of pace, at the moment I am in full flow with the kitchen and script.
Another thing to note is I filled in an application to become a Daz Professional Artist. I decided to give it a shot, I won’t be making all my assets available on Daz Store, some will remain available only on Patreon. I expect that there will be some Terms and Conditions I’m hoping they won’t put too many restrictions on what I can or where I can sell my content. As I see it Patreon is for support, and Daz is for selling, so I’d hope a slight rewording would be all that’s needed. I’ll keep you all updated on Snowy 3DS, so head over there and follow my page or join Discord.
Anyway, I am going to leave it at that today. I’ve had a pretty hectic weekend, there was some family drama (not involving me), and my daughters were in need of some serious retail therapy. Me being the dutiful dad took them shopping, where they can indulge in their favourite pastime, spending my money. It was several hours walking the halls of purgatory, waiting outside fitting rooms, and eating cakes and oh and not to mention having to pass comments on the things like picked up. As you can imagine I felt like had walked over a bed of nails and today my tank is running on vapours.

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Dev Blog #020

So it’s 2023; what have I been doing?

Welcome 2023 [I'm late I know :P]

I took an easy start to the new year and took a little time off to catch up with some Anime and to prevent burnout from working on PoD. I returned 3 weeks ago but didn’t start any development on PoD, instead, I’ve been making some custom assets.

This all started with a request from Shaddy, if I could make a garage that would complement the Modern Rustic House. So most of my week has been spent on making that. We realised quite early on that to make the new garage part of the Modern Rustic house we had to remake some assets for that environment too. Shaddy also wanted to add an outdoor pool in the back garden so I decided to make a custom one for him too.

A couple of nights ago, we had an interesting talk about property taxes on houses. Being in the UK, I know nothing about them, we have a different tax situation here. This talk was related to Shaddy’s MC being a teacher, and whether could he afford the annual taxes on the house. Shaddy & Thirteen did some digging and worked out that the Property Tax for this house would be circa $15,000, with the MC’s annual wage as a teacher being around $30,000, luckily, he can afford it. 

I finished Shaddy’s garage on Thursday night, and he’s over the moon with it, and it does really look great in my opinion. I also created another small asset for Thirteen last night, he’s working on a project and needed an openable ring binder. I said I could knock him one up, and a few hours later we had a fully rigged and working asset. 

I had a lot of fun this week making these assets and have decided to embark on a bigger project, a 2-story educational building. I don’t make furniture assets or anything like that, so I need to explore options for either purchasing assets and licenses to incorporate into the school project or looking to partner with someone who can make these. I won’t be focusing all my time on this project though, I do still have a game to develop and should be moving back onto that next week.

Well, this is the shortest Dev Blog I’ve done to date as that wraps this update up. I hope to have more to share with you over the next week or so. 


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Dev Blog #019

The past year has been challenging; I took a leap into AVN development, became more social, and built some confidence.

2022, Year of the Snail

So let us start this Dev Blog with a reflection on 2022 and the challenges it gave me.
It was about Spring Time I decided to dip my toes into developing my own AVN; I had toyed with the idea for a while. I was inspired by many good stories from Killer 7, Nine of Swords, Perveteer, Zargon Games, Caribdis, Stone Fox, 13 Games, Drifty, IT Roy, and so many more. But, conversely, I was also inspired by some of the not-so-good AVNs that were more about lewd content than actual story; to be honest, videos on Porn Hub had more plot.
One night I had trouble sleeping. A story idea had crept into my brain, and my mind went wild, so at 3am, I decided to jot it all down. I fell asleep quickly after that, fine-tuned to plot over the next few nights, compiled character sheets, and dove into Daz Studio. I wasn't alone in this IT Roy was right there with me on his YouTube channel. I watched his AVN series, bought a ton of assets off Daz Store, and started designing my Characters. I made a few mistakes along the way, like using Genesis 8.1, which I then had to convert to Genesis 8. Unfortunately, only one character couldn't get fully converted, the MC, Nate. So I had to remake him as best I could, he ended up looking a whole lot different, but his look felt right to me.
With a slew of characters, I started diving into Ren'py code, another mountain. I dicked around for a week or so, getting familiar with the customisation options in the code. I admit I could have just used the default Ren'py setup and started the story, but if I'm doing this, I'm going all in. I'm handy with Photoshop, so I could create my own custom GUI elements to make the interface mine. I went for a light and bubbly style interface and found music to match.
Following the GUI customisation, I decided it was time to start writing the script, so a week later, I had the demo written. During this time, I also created my Discord Server and began to share some of my preliminary artwork. This is probably where I started to befriend some fellow devs, 13 Games, Nine of Swords and The Amazing Rolandder. Through 13, I met Thor's Hamster, who became my First Patreon Proof Reader, and someone to bounce ideas off of. He's also provided with some pretty sage advice and helped much in the early days with coding.
So now armed with a Discord, Characters and a Script, what else is there to do? Make the AVN Demo! This is probably my BIGGEST MISTAKE! I'm not known for being premature, but in this case, I was way too early; eagerness can be a bitch. On June 8th 2022, I uploaded the Demo of Pursuit of Desire to the world; it's had over 6,500 downloads and was received well. But life wasn't gonna let the gravy train chug along. I got COVID for the second time and needed three weeks to recover; I got back to development only for work to become very demanding, and before I knew it, it was almost the end of August.
In August, I was to be sent to work away until early 2023, which put me in a state of limbo. I didn't know what to do about the story's development, so I chatted with 13 & Thor and concluded that I'd use the time to focus and get ahead with script writing. Long story short, the working away thing crumbled, but now it was November, and not much had happened in development.
I decided to crack on as usual and got back to developing the story, but because I had had a few months of distance, it took a while to get back into the flow. I was also unhappy with a few things and decided to take the time to change these. So I redid my entire GUI to suit the style of the game; I reviewed the code with Thor, rewrote it, and added a custom in-game menu. I was really starting to feel happy with what I had, but the main menu still didn't do it for me.
November was a busy month when I came back to reflect on it. Not only did I code an ATL-based main menu, but I also added additional features to the custom in-game menu, did some rewrites of the script, and started to work on the remaining writing for Chapter 1. By the end of the month, I had purchased After Effects; thank you, Black Friday deals! Using this and some online resources, I created a new splash screen and chapter title page.
Now here we are in December 2022. I completed a very challenging Therapy Scene and had Thor proof it. He came back with some excellent feedback, which needs some work to balance it all out. This particular part of the script was hard. Some content in it meant you had to delve into the darker side of your psyche that you usually avoid. I also had some difficulties with some code Shaddy stepped in like the Hero he is and sorted it out for me; my code also triggered him, so he streamlined it for me too.
Over the last two weeks, I have been developing a 2023 render calendar for those who support vi Patreon or Subscribe Star. I might make the bonus content available for a price on, but who knows. Unfortunately, my internet is down at the time of writing this, so I'm working on three additional renders for this month's bonus gallery and writing my 2022 in-reflection Dev Blog.

Where are we now with development?

It worries me that I'm not as fast as my fellow devs with getting renders smashed out. Part of it is I jump from one thing to the next rather than focusing on one thing until it's complete. Another aspect of it is I'm easily distracted and quickly procrastinate. If you've read the above, you'll know I have achieved a lot but had some significant downtime that slowed me down.
I have learned a TON of things I didn't know at the start; I've upskilled and even had a change in direction with the story as I've developed the key plot lines going up to Chapter 8. I have the story 90% written now; just a few things to tie up, and then I can get it all proofed and copy it into code. Then it's rendering time; I do have one scene to redo. I wasn't happy with the environment and still need to find a replacement. So I'm hoping that in early 2023 Chapter 1 will finally be released; with its release, I shouldn't have to worry so much about interfaces and features but focus on story development and renders.
With that, I think it's time I said goodbye. I know I ramble on in these blogs, but they offer some excellent insights to me as a Dev, the issues I face and how I overcome them. I also hope those of you who suffer through these will at least find some laughs along the way. Finally, I want to thank everyone who's supported me so far along this journey, and I wish you all a VERY merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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I will be able to continue my project and upgrade GPU from GTX 1660 Super to RTX 3060 to be able to create and release content quicker. Gallery option will be added to PoD.
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I will be able to hire part-time additional help to develop new and exciting content. Older game content will get updated to 4K.
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I will build a custom rig for rendering & development and will stream it live on Discord while doing a Q&A.
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I will be able to hire a full-time developer to allow me to dedicate myself to the story development and marketing.

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