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pinkmoth profile
I made 3d models, animations and renders of cute characters! Sometimes the content is nsfw.

Планы подписки

в месяц
Tier 1: Grubscriber

Gain access to the discord

first dibs on commission slots, merchandise, adoptables, anything in short supply

8 подписчиков pinkmoth subscriber ; grubscriber
в месяц
tier 2: mothscriber

all the above benefits

10 euro off character queue requests, to a minimum of 10 euros. ( )

every 5th month, a character queue request worth up to 50 euros (before discounts) for free

2 подписчика grubscriber ; mothscriber ; pinkmoth subscriber
в месяц
tier 3: vased and conepilled

all the benefits above plus

an additional 10 euro off character queue requests, to a minimum of 10 euros. ( )

every 5th month of subscribing to this tier, a chibi/plushie-styled model of a character of your choice

Лимитировано (2 из 5) подписчиков
pinkmoth subscriber ; grubscriber ; mothscriber ; vased and conepilled


  • Access high resolution and high quality versions of my work!
  • Vote in polls!
  • A discord server where you can chat to me and see WIPs!
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cone empress supporter thank you image!

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