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One Hand Clapping
One Hand Clapping
Princess on the Run, an 18+ Adult Visual Novel in the form of a video game
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Elly's Loyalty

• Access to the game 14 days after release. • Exclusive Discord role. • Access to the subscriber hangout on Discord.

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Marika's Courage

• Access to game 10 days after release. • Exclusive Discord role. • Access to the Subscriber Hangout on Discord. • Progress report every 2 weeks. • Access to the Title music for download

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Genni's Stealth

• Access to the game 5 days after release. • Exclusive Discord role. • Access to the Subscriber Hangout on Discord. • Progress report every 2 weeks. • Access to the Title music for download. • Weighted voting in polls (x2). • Access to the bonus renders channel on Discord.

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Kelly's Love

• All of the above, and • Weighted voting in polls (x4). • Access to the bonus renders channel on Discord. • Access to an exclusive channel where NSFW renders from the game will be posted once per month (4K versions will be posted here). • A channel for you to ask us anything about the game, make suggestions and get more involved in our process as we bring this game back to life

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  • Subscribers get the benefit of posts and updates about the game from the developers themselves. As well, subscribers get first access to game releases and updates and subscriber-only renders.
One Hand Clapping

This Will Be Our Year"…took a long time to come. " ~ The Zombies (1968)Happy New Year to all our ...

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One Hand Clapping
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2024.12.06 - The Light at the End of the Tunnel is Not an Oncoming Train 

Straight to the point, then: we are aiming for an end of January, 2025 release date. As the renders, writing, and rhythms are getting ready to be placed into the game code, we have to allow a couple of weeks for playtesters to kick the wheels of this thing, and for us to fix what they find wrong. 
We are really sorry to put this off again. It isn’t what we wanted. 
We had really wanted to finish the game in time for Christmas, but real life interruptions as well as the sheer volume of the work involved were more than we had anticipated. For most of us, this is our first development effort, and the learning curve has been pretty steep. And, since we set some pretty high goals for ourselves, the workload has been pretty heavy, but as they way, slow and steady wins the day.
So, I wanted to let you know that we are pretty confident that the first update, Willowdale, will be released by the end of January, 2025. If anything changes, we’ll let you know right away. And, of course, I’ll keep you up to date with regular posts like this. 
Thanks for hanging in there; please enjoy some of the renders that are going to be used in the game at the bottom of this post. 

-Jack Oh

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One Hand Clapping

2024. 11. 28 - Running Around Like a Headless Chicken. Well, the holidays are upon us, and work o...

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One Hand Clapping

An Aelrue OopsieHere is a new render of the new and improved Aelrue. Some folks were having a bit...

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One Hand Clapping

Fulfilling that Legacy - 2024. 11. 14"Art should inspire and transport us to another place. " ...

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One Hand Clapping

Update - October 28, 2024One of the coolest things about reImagining this game is watching the di...

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