Help keep the lights on! You can also see progress of new releases.
What's included:
-WIP - Screenshots, Progress reports & release timing
-3D Renderings - Watermarked
-3D Animations - Shorts, Watermarked
Help keep the lights on! You can also see progress of new releases.
-WIP - Screenshots, Progress reports & release timing
-3D Renderings - Watermarked
-3D Animations - Shorts, Watermarked
If you love what you see, choose this for full watermarked animations and watermark free renderings.
-All Previous Tier Benefits
-3D Renders - No Watermark
-3D Animation - Full, Watermarked
Get this tier for alternate camera angles, unreleased content, voting power, plus previous tier benefits.
All Previous Tier Benefits
3D Animation - No Watermark
3D Animation - Alternate Camera Angles
Unreleased Content
Only Tier 3 but it gives access to all tiers. There were tech issues with having three tiers.
Links -Tier - 1 - (Inc.w.influencer) Tip Jar access page:
-Tier - 2 - (Inc.w.influencer) Cinephile access page:
-Tier - 3 -Influencer access page:
Email List
TL:DR DM if you want to be on my email list.
Should have thought of this earlier. (Great idea Jimmy, thanks!) If anyone wants to be on an email mailing list, DM or email me. Hope to see you in the future! [email protected]