Your dollar will be put to good use! Now I will be able to buy a coffee and have more energy to work. For $1 you can: See most posts and stay up to date with my work in SFW/NSFW illustrations.
Your dollar will be put to good use! Now I will be able to buy a coffee and have more energy to work. For $1 you can: See most posts and stay up to date with my work in SFW/NSFW illustrations.
I'm glad that there are people willing to provide me with everything I need for my work. $5 will allow me to be able to better focus on developing my art.
For $5 you'll be able to:
Check out most posts and stay up to date with my work in SFW/NSFW illustrations and some Fanarts.
It's good to know there are people ready to dedicate such an amount of cash to supporting me! The simple fact you are willing to give me so much makes me feel better!
For $10 you'll be able to:
see most of the posts and keep up to date with my work on SFW/NSFW illustrations, Fanarts and some drawing process images. access to special posts for this tier each month. vote for the following illustration fanart, when such an opportunity arises.
I'm shocked there are people willing to provide such generous support to me! You give me the opportunity to continue working highly motivated. Thanks a lot! :)
For $20 you'll be able to:
see most of the posts and keep up to date with my work on SFW/NSFW illustrations, Fanarts, some drawing process images and Exclusive random CSP File per month. access to special posts for this tier each month. vote for the following illustration fanart, when such an opportunity arises. get early access to the new illustrations.
This is the ultimate support! Incredible, elite, richest ladies and gentlemen who, with a wave of their bank card, keep my life on a good level! And I'll be able to invest in tools to improve my workflow. :)
Here you get everything the same as for a $20 subscription + exclusive commission for this tier + my boundless gratitude for such a generous amount! (private messages to request custom commission 1 for month)