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Nearphotison profile
I create adult hentai/parody themed artwork.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Entry Tier

Access to (2) monthly comic pages and the Discord. Mostly just a tip jar.

16 подписчиков Entry Level
USD в месяц
Basic Tier

Access to all art I release, earlier than public posts, plus ability to submit scripts for monthly One-Shots and Ongoing comic pages.

116 подписчиков Basic Level
USD в месяц
Basic Tier+

This tier will include all art I release, plus the ability to submit questions for Character Asks and Mini Commission ideas.

32 подписчика Basic Level+
USD в месяц
Bonus Tier

This tier includes lineart, comic panel updates (up to the release of the full comic page) and CGs for my game (accessible on Discord).

150 подписчиков Bonus Tier
USD в месяц
Master Tier

All previous rewards, plus the ability to participate in Master Mini Comissions.

22 подписчика Master Tier
USD в месяц
Vanguard Tier

All previous rewards, plus naming one character I will draw every ten months.

Лимитировано (10 из 10) подписчиков
Vanguard Tier
Лимит достигнут
USD в месяц
Lord Tier

All previous rewards, plus a free two-character commission every six months

Лимитировано (5 из 5) подписчиков
Lord Tier
Лимит достигнут


  • Access to all art I release.


222 подписчика
3437 постов


$1,970 of $2,000
per month
I will add a sequel to one of my completed comics to the standard comics rotation (to be determined by poll).
When we hit this goal, I will officially add a monthly ongoing comic page to the rewards, which will operate similarly to the monthly one-shot comic pages.
$1,970 of $2,500
per month
I will add a sequel to one of my completed comics to the standard comics rotation (to be determined by poll).
$1,970 of $3,000
per month
I will add a sequel to one of my completed comics to the standard comics rotation (to be determined by poll).
$1,970 of $3,500
per month
I will add a sequel to one of my completed comics to the standard comics rotation (to be determined by poll).
$1,970 of $4,000
per month
I will add a sequel to one of my completed comics to the standard comics rotation (to be determined by poll).

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