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Natsumemetalsonic profile
Hello everyone, Welcome to my Subscribestart page, a "clon" page of my Patreon as Backup in the case that my Patreon is closed, you will find the same material here than in my Patreon page.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Wood Sword option.

-You will have access to the basic info, Journals, Plans etc, and my thanks off course.

5 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Steel Sword option.

-You will receive a Zip with the pages in "internet version" (With water mark, and small size) days before the upload to internet.

16 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Iron sword option:

-You will receive the pages in their real resolution without watermarks, days before of the official upload.

18 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Mithril Sword option.

You will receive: -The pages in the original resolution, without water mark -All the sketches of the characters, pages, ideas etc. -The special pages or Illustrations that I draw. -Access to the streamings of the pages of my comics. -The right to make suggestions in the pages of "What I should draw today"?

16 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Demon killer Sword.

You will receive all the things of the "Mithril Sword option." and: -All the pages or illustrations that I draw, in JPG and PSD/Manga Studio. -All the sketches that I draw. -A digital copy uncensored of all my physical Works, that means a digital copy of all my Pirates VS Ninjas, Ecchi Dreams, Living with Sadako chan and all the hentai or normal manga that I draw for selling in Manga Events in Spain, when I have them finished and Translated. -The right to do suggestions about "What should draw in the new comic"?, and the right to vore the theme of the special color ilustrations.

8 подписчиков
USD в месяц
Super special demon killer hero Sword.

Super special demon killer hero Sword.

You will receive all the things of the "Iron Sword Option" and: -All the pages or illustrations that I draw, in JPG and PSD/Manga Studio. -All the sketches that I draw. -A free request sketch per month. -The right to do suggestions about "What should draw in the new comic"?,and the right to vore the theme of the special color ilustrations.

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September pages.

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September pages.

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September Pages.

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July pages.

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