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MrzHyde profile
NSFW Art and smutty Snippets from the Alter Ego of BornAngelAuthor and the Born Angel Universe.

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Casual Observer

You don't have the cash or the guts to go all in, but you want to be here to support the page. This is the lowest Substar will let me go, and I don't get much from this, just a bit (WARNING: There is a 31 day "Trust period" enforced by substar not by choice)

Лимитировано (0 из 10) подписчиков
SubscribeStar $3.00 tier
USD в месяц
The Lords and Ladies of the Underworld

Access to the pictures and documents previously posted after the "Trust Period" (that's a substar thing). There will be at least one new image and story a month. Each one may be unrelated to another.

SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD в месяц
The Servants of the Master

In this tier, you’ll gain access to kinkier content, a few smut scenes that were written for personal use, and a special birthday raffle (December 17th) for a personal render from yours truly as well as access to the WIP discord channel. (WARNING: There is a 31 day "Trust period" enforced by substar not by choice)

Лимитировано (2 из 10) подписчиков
SubscribeStar $15.00 tier
USD в месяц
The Triumvirate of Evil

This Tier will get a personal requested render or written piece of their choosing every 3 months and have access to the exclusive discord server where they can give Input into what I’m creating that month. As in the books, there will only be 3 members of this tier at any given time. (WARNING: There is a 31 day "Trust period" enforced by substar not by choice)

Лимитировано (2 из 3) подписчиков
SubscribeStar $45.00 tier

Добро пожаловать!

  • 16x9 3D Renders (At least one per month, up to five)
  • A chapter or two of smut from the BAU, possibly about the art.
  • Quarterly Renders Requests (only for top tier)

Displaying posts with tag Pinup.Reset Filter

Because I can't get enough of these two. . . and they cameo in the book I'm currently writing, th...

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Mz. Nue Human form:

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Update:I returned from Vacation on April 15th and got sick right after that. I finally have enoug...

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And for something different. I was changing another Genesis 8 character to Genesis 9 and I decide...

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So I had one more of that series of pictures. . . for those into the breeding kink. or just enjoy...

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Sexy Sunday. here's another picture of the "Writer Goddess" Set. Picture 1: RecliningPicture 2: T...

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31 дней
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125 постов


для Цели
helping out with monthly bills and trying to save up a bit for emergencies.

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