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Hey friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

Today is update day! 

Let’s see what is new!

The Tournament!

Select your 16 fighters and make your own tournaments with this new feature!

You can play as any of the characters or just sit down, relax and watch them go at each other!

You will also gain some extra coins upon completing the whole tournament!

Character model updates part 2

I’m almost finished with the character updates, most notably I fixed the eyes that were bigger than intended originally, and I fixed almost all the clipping on the male clothing. There are some stuff that I will be redoing, like the skirts (cause they clip with garters for example), but in general it is 95% complete.

I also fixed all the things not working on the customization.

New sex positions!

Added two new positions: Submission spanking and Lifted cowgirl 2!

Submission spanking includes FF and MM variants, and Command and Perform starting actions!

Also added a new threesome: Cowrider! This requires the starters to have an active role.

Performance optimization

I did some cleanup in code and increased performance during the customization process.


I fixed several bugs, both visual and gameplay related.

Small changes

I also did a number of small changes and fixes but none of those are worth mentioning on their own, you can check them on the changelog below

And that’s all for this month’s update, friends!

While the list of features seems shorter than usual, a lot of work has been done. I mostly want to get the whole character update done, that is my priority. I also have been doing some work on the backend for story mode, so I can start remaking it next month. 

I hope you enjoy the tournament, it took a lot of work to get it done (and a lot of testing!)

Also, big notice but we hit 200 sex positions!


(We probably hit this before, but I just noticed, this is also not counting heavy bondage or threesomes)

As always I wanna thank all of you who are supporting the development of the game, and our livelihoods. Without you this wouldn’t be possible. Thank you!

I will be back with some news next week, as I have a lot of stuff to figure out. Progress with Deviance has slowed massively due to the issues with the programmer. But we are still working and progressing.

Have a great weekend friends!


Changelog below!

Kinky Fight Club 0.8.2

  • Fixed an issue with eye scaling not saving properly and interfering with eye style

  • Fixed an issue with Skin oiliness not loading properly

  • Removed one of the skin oiliness sliders that wasn't used (there were two lol)

  • Fixed an issue with Lips shininess not loading properly

  • Added a new feature: The Tournament!

  • Reduced eye size by 20%.

  • Added a missing texture to female boots

  • Added a new foreplay position: Submission spanking!

  • Added a new sex position: Lifted cowgirl 2!

  • Fixed an issue with Prone Doggystyle 6 playing the animation of Prone doggystyle 3.

  • Added a new threesome position: Cowrider!

  • Fixed clipping issues for 48 male clothing items. (Only noticeable when getting the sliders close to the extreme)

  • Fixed clipping issues for 11 female clothing items. (Only noticeable when getting the sliders close to the extreme)

  • Fixed an issue with dick rings mesh missing

  • Fixed an issue with vibrator’s mesh missing

  • Fixed a missing animation on customization

  • Increased performance on character customization

  • Fixed a rare issue causing stat drops on arcade mode

  • Fixed a description of an ability sitting the wrong attribute for scaling

  • Adjusted AI intelligence to do not take breaks longer than 6 seconds

  • Adjusted AI intelligence to not attempt to initialize an action within 1 seconds of completing a previous one. (up to 3 seconds on easier difficulties)

  • Corrected the position for one hair mesh

  • Adjusted Focus cost for an ability that was spending more than intended

  • Fixed an issue that could cause abilities to cooldown 1 turn slower than intended some times

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Hey friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful day!

I came today with news…

There will be a delay on the progress of Deviance.


The programmer I was working with for the last 6-ish months, decided to leave the project to focus on another project that pays more… It seems every time I announce I've been working with a programmer I jinx it, and something bad happens, so starting from now, I won’t ever announce that I got a new programmer…

Since I learned that the chances of stuff going wrong when working with a programmer is always at least 50%, I always have a backup plan, even if the backup plan is for an already backup plan.

So I decided on doing some changes to the itinerary of games coming later this year.

First, I will keep working on Kinky Fight Club 2 for the next few months, but the patreon campaign for this game will end in october. That means, October will be the last month where if you pledge (and the total during all the pledge time is $20 or more) you will get the game for free on release.

After October I will keep working on Kinky Fight Club 2, but It won’t be the main project on patreon, it will be an RPG, that is not gonna be Deviance. I aim to release Kinky Fight Club 2 somewhere close to the end of the year after a bit more polishing. 

Why not Deviance you ask? The game is nowhere close to being playable, not even in a state where I would feel comfortable asking for money for it. And there even is the chance that I may not find a suitable programmer over the next months, so this project is delayed.

Some of you may be wondering, Why don’t I just go all programming on Deviance, and while that is a possibility it will be the thing I will do if I can’t find a suitable programmer, but in general as I’m not so used to Unreal’s way of developing, doing everything there takes me forever, and I end up not having enough time to do all the other stuff I have to do (design, animate, write, promote, direct the work of the artists, etc)

So I’m announcing a new project!

This project was sort of designed as a prequel to Deviance, but then I decided to ditch it and go big, and go straight for Deviance. So it takes place in the same world, just a few years before. 

This project is called “Project Castle”. That’s the codename I use, it is not the final name of the game.

What will this game be? 
A mix between Solas City Heroes, Kinky Fight Club, and Deviance! 

Sounds weird?

But jokes aside, It is an RPG style game, with a gameplay similar to old final fantasy games or persona games, but with only one character.
You will be able to explore, run around and interact with the world, and then when encountering an enemy start a fight. 

This project is the middle step between small games that I've been doing and the behemoth that is Deviance, allowing me to keep learning and going bigger.

(First concept of a combat against 5- the maximum possible enemies at the same time- , I will probably move the camera further back)

It will be made on unity, using the new models, and maybe a bit more polished postprocessing and lighting effects.

I know this is not what some of you would like to read, but it is the best option for me currently. I don’t want to rush Deviance, and I can’t keep working on Kinky Fight Club 2 much more without it going super stall. 

Think of this new project as the in-between, small unity games, and huge unreal games. 

With some luck, I may be able to get Deviance playable by the end of the year, but I don’t wanna give hope when there is so much stuff uncertain right now.

Right now the truth is that I can iterate and work extremely fast on unity, and it is more likely I can keep making fun stuff on unity until I get enough time to become good on unreal or get good people to make it on unreal. I expect to have a playable first demo of project Castle for october.

That’s all I have for today friends

I will be back soon with more news

And the poll to vote on where to get the CDkey of Kinky Fight Club 2 on launch.

Have a great week friends!


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June Objectives!
Hello friends!

I hope you are having a wonderful start of the month!
June is here, so let’s see what is coming this month!

Character creation fix
I will be fixing most issues with the customization of characters, including the clipping on clothing, and all other features not working as intended.

I will make the tournament!
In this new Arcade mode you will be able to select a bunch of character and see (or play) the matches until there is only one champion!
Eyes adjustment
I will be adjusting the size of the eyes on the characters, they ended up being too big

New sex positions
As always I will be adding two new sex positions and at least one new threesome position!
As always I will be fixing bugs and issues!
Passives rebalance and fixes
I noticed some passives are not working as intended, either by being too weak or triggering when they shouldn't. I will be fixing those and rebalancing those that were made for features whose functionality changed over the last months.
I will do a new round of optimization to try to gain some extra FPS for older computers!
(Cause performance took a hit when I updated to all the new graphics!)
And that’s mostly it for this month friends!
The tournament is a very big feature, and I will be focusing mostly on completing that one, fixing all the stuff with customization and clothing, and starting to redesign the story mode (however you guys won’t see the story part just yet, as that is only in design space).
I don’t wanna talk much about my life, as that is not very pertinent to this space, but I will be away this month, so I will take a bit longer to reply to DMs and discord.

I hope you guys are excited for this!
As always the support of all of you makes this game possible, so thank you to all of you who support us!

I will come back soon, with more news!

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Kinky Fight Club 2. Update 0.8!

Hey friends
 I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Today is update day!

Sorry for the delay, I wanted to have this by monday, but I spent the last week doing a lot of last minute fixes, and everything I fixed something, something else broke.
So, let’s see what is new

Massive graphical overhaul
This is it, the big thing. I replaced and updated all the character models, as well as improved most of the clothing.

I also added a lot of new makeup options, and some new sliders to the customization.

So basically, half of the stuff is either new, remade, or improved.
Check the changelog below to see everything that changed.
The bad part of this is that you will have to remade/fix most of your characters, since the hairs changed.
There are also some known issues with clipping, which I will fix as soon as I can.

New sex positions!
I added two new positions: One foreplay position: Stepping footjob, and one sex position: Prone doggystyle 6 (the missing one!)

I also added two new threesome positions: Lifted Oral, and Lifted cowgirl!
(completing the “Lifted” series)
Difficulty update

I updated the AI and the difficulties breakdowns. Beginner difficulty should feel easier, while harder difficulties are now smarter and faster, rather than having buffed stats. Let me know how this feels now, so I can tune it better!
New hotkey Q!
Based on a player suggestion, I added the Q key as an additional “return/cancel” key while playing. This is in addition to the “7” key to return, so you can use the key that feels more comfortable.

I fixed a bunch of bugs, as usual, however I haven’t had time to look into dirty talk bugs.

And that’s all for now friends!
I hope you enjoy this update, I worked a lot to get this done, and this graphical update is the result of over a year of improvement on characters. The whole character model, textures, facial expressions, even the skin shaders are new!

I originally intended for these graphics to be used only for future games, but fuck it, let’s make Kinky Fight Club 2 the best game it can be!

Regarding that, I will completely remade the Story mode in the future. Thanks for your feedback!

I also wanna thank all of you who support us in these hard times. Your support makes our work - these games- possible. Thank you!
And if you aren’t supporting us, please consider doing so, as we've been working super hard this month to get all this done!

I don’t have much news regarding Deviance, as I spent most of the time fixing stuff for Kinky Fight Club 2. We are progressing, but progress is much slower than I originally intended…

I will be back soon with more news
Have a wonderful weekend friends!

And please, help us spread the word about the new update!

Changelog - 0.8F

  • Fixed an issue that could cause loading male characters to get stuck

  • Changed the customization tab from “makeup” to “character colors”

  • Fixed an issue with role tags not setting properly for assistants sometimes

  • Fixed an issue with missing a texture on the strap-on on customization

  • Fixed an issue with missing 3d models on bondage color setup

  • Fixed an issue with missing the new animations from the position selection preview 

  • Fixed hair 50

  • Replaced Hair 62 for the correct Hair 62

  • Added the missing mesh for the Elegant jacket

  • Added the missing (actually new) mesh and textures for the ornamental armbands

  • Fixed an issue with loading some stuff on male characters

  • Fixed an issue with male dicks not scaling properly

  • Fixed an issue with Strap-ons scaling too much

  • Newly created male characters will have no beard or mustache

  • Changed default hairstyle for newly created male characters

  • When ending a match, characters will now put specific facial expressions when winning or losing rather than defaulting to the idle one

  • Fixed an issue with the shop not being able to be opened

Changelog - 0.8

  • Updated a huge part of the visuals of the game

  • Completely replaced all the old hair for new ones

  • Completely replaced all the characters models and skins for new ones

  • Completely replaced most of the male clothing for new ones

  • Added beard and mustache sliders for male characters

  • Remade and improved the muscularity setup

  • Improved eye textures and shaders

  • Improved a bunch of the bondage restraints

  • Updated post processing setups to accommodate the new models

  • Improved the mobility of the game camera

  • Added a new character: Austin!

  • Added a new sex position: Prone doggystyle 6!

  • Added a new foreplay position: Stepping footjob! 

  • Added a new threesome position: Lifted oral!

  • Added a new threesome position: Lifted cowgirl!

  • Remade difficulty tiers, now they should be more fair. Please let me know if you find the easier difficulty too easy, or the harder difficulty too easy as well!

  • Fixed an issue with end of round domination becoming positive even if it was negative

  • Fixed an issue with eyes not changing the color correctly on a match

  • Fixed an issue with dirty talk (characters with dialogue 0 still speaking)

  • Fixed an issue with tag teams and threesomes

  • Fixed an issue with animation swapping when returning to idle

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes caused facial animations to display the incorrect one

  • AI will now have wait some time when entering or leaving a sex position

  • Added new textures for underwear

  • Added new textures for catsuits

  • Added new textures for pantyhoses

  • Added customizable beard colors

  • Updated the default neon color for Cyber restraints.

  • Added a new hint for using the hotkey system.

  • Added Q as an option to return when using the hotkeys (along with the 7 key)

  • Added a failsafe system to inform players if there is an issue with a saved characters

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Kinky Fight Club 2 - 0. 8 Download linksHey friends!

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By reaching this goal I will be able to hire a new programer and improve the speed and quality at which the game gets made

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