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Moraion profile
erotic visual novels
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Subscription Tiers

per month

Welcome! You have started on your journey of becoming one of us, a follower of lust. Though there are not many benefits to this tier, it is appreciated and lets me know that you are interested in my work!

- Access to development updates

- Access to the #exclusive-burrow channel on Discord

- Upcoming Content Voting (1 vote)

259 subscribers Convert ; Convert SS
per month

Your life has led you here, to be an Initiate of our faith. You are but a fledgling follower of lust, and there is only one way for you to go from here. Deeper. Deeper into depravity.

- Everything from the previous tier

- Early access to updates (3 days before public release)

- Upcoming Content Voting (2 votes)

241 subscribers Initiate ; Initiate SS
per month

You have risen through the ranks, my child. You are learning and growing as one of us. Before long, you too can understand the depths of depravity.

- Everything from the previous tier

- Access to occasional spoilers before release

- Upcoming Content Voting (4 votes)

270 subscribers Disciple ; Disciple SS
per month

You have chosen the path of an Ascetic, secluding yourself from the rest of the world and abstaining from all things but lust. Only a few dedicated disciples can walk such a path.

- You get the same benefits as the Cleric-tier

Limited (5 out of 5) subscriptions
Ascetic ; Ascetic SS
Limit reached
per month

While you might have been one of us for quite some time, only now have you become a part of our clergy. A voice of our faith. A preacher of our depravity. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

- Everything from the previous tier

- Access to test versions (3-5 days before early access)

- Upcoming Content Voting (8 votes)

424 subscribers Cleric ; Cleric SS
per month

You have chosen the path of a Hierophant, studying the mysteries and principles of depravity itself. Only a few scholars can walk such a path.

- You get the same benefits as the Counselor-tier

Limited (5 out of 5) subscriptions
Hierophant ; Hierophant SS
Limit reached
per month

You have preached and spread our faith for long. And so you have learned to give guidance to people, to counsel them deeper into depravity.

- Everything from the previous tier

- Name in the credits of the current project, which stays even if you unsubscribe

- Upcoming Content Voting (16 votes)

24 subscribers Counselor ; Counselor SS
per month

You have come far and the road has been treacherous. You are a true supporter and a true believer. What else could an Apostle be? What else but the truest follower of lust?

- Everything from the previous tier

- Access to an exclusive channel on Discord

- Upcoming Content Voting (32 votes)

11 subscribers Apostle ; Apostle SS
per month

A Saint is the highest status for a person of faith, personally anointed by me and remembered for as long as I am. Now you might ask, are these benefits worth the amount? The answer is up to you. I won't lie or try to convince you otherwise, it is simply another way to support for those that can afford it.

- Everything from the previous tier

- Unique title of your choosing, e.g. Saint of Flowers

- Name and title recorded and immortalized in the Hall of Saints

- Upcoming Content Voting (64 votes)

- The usual benefits only apply if it's an active subscription

Limited (1 out of 1) subscription
Saint ; Saint SS
Limit reached


  • Early Access To Updates
  • Access To Spoilers
  • Access To Test Versions

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging โ€“ one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.

Creator Stats

905 subscribers
47 posts


With this goal, we should be easily able to get 3 CGs a month! That is the minimum amount I would like to have, but more is always better!
At this point we should be able to get 6 CGs a month, which would be amazing! It would speed up the release of updates a lot! Also anything after this, would go to a background artist!
With this goal reached, we can get a new background drawn-up each month and start to re-make the house in the process, opening up new places and scenes!
Wow! By this point, we can easily keep commissioning the art without really needing to worry about planning! After all, this much money could cover a minimum of 11 CGs a month, though some of that would go towards the background artist!
What's this milestone, you ask? Well let me tell you... With this much, I can more or less commission the maximum amount of art per month. About 20~ CGs. However that doesn't mean every update would necessarily have that many CGs. It would still vary from one update to the next, but at this point the updates would be coming out at almost full speed!
Remember the 'almost full speed' in the previous goal? This is the full speed point. After this one I can't work any quicker, but I might just be able to get started on a secondary side project ;)

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