Thank you so much for your support!
- Discord Role: Catepillar
Thank you so much for your support!
- Discord Role: Catepillar
You are a seed, in my field of carrots. I will take care of you.
- My gratitude
- Discord Role - Carrot Seed
- Access to previews and changelog (Doghouse)
Thank you for your support! Your contribution will definitely reflect on the quality of the game.
- Early access release (1 day)
- Teaser, WIPs access
- Discord role: Cheshire Cat
Thank you for your support! Together we can change the world! You will have an impact on the development of Doghouse.
- Early access release (3 days)
- Teaser, WIPs access
- Upcoming content voting (1 vote)
- Detailed PDF guide
- Discord role: Hatter
Thank you for your support! You become a decision maker and get more votes. Your decisions have a great impact on the game.
- Early access release (7 days)
- Teaser, WIPs access
- Upcoming content voting (2 votes)
- Detailed PDF guide
- Name in credits
- Discord role: King of Hearts
As you well know (for more than a year!) there has been no update to the game or new content. You also know the reasons.
I'll admit that when I sat down once again to play the game and started thinking how to solve this difficult issue - I gave up again.
My inexperience was a big hit to this beautiful game in my opinion. I tried many times to transfer the game to a newer engine, but it involved many difficulties - I would have to recreate from the beginning some nuances that came out in this game.
Only I know how many nerves and tears I shed through lack of prior research and planning. I had great ambitions but it didn't work out.
Since I announced the separation of the main game into segments - I lived a lie that I would succeed. I had a plan but lack of time is not a good companion in the creative process.
Today, however, I can say with a clear heart - Doghouse Prologue will be released later this week.
Doghouse Prologue is 90% complete.
In order to cool down expectations I will write plainly what Doghouse Prologue is and what to expect.
The game on paper (my notebook) is divided into 3 segments:
Doghouse Prologue
Doghouse Part I
Doghouse Part II / Epilogue
Doghouse Prologue is the introduction of the background of the whole story and the introduction of the two main characters.
In this part you will not see many and long sex scenes, but nudity and a few scenes are of course there. You can not complain about the lack of adult content.
Changes that have been made:
Extended introduction, added a short playable part
Changed completely the introduction of the Boy
The introduction of the Detective has been slightly simplified
Both introductions have been slightly lengthened
What was lost:
Animations (unfortunately the animations will be time-lapse instead of 30-60 fps vid)
The old look of the female characters (not sure if this is a bad thing)
This is of course only a part of what has been changed however these are the bigger changes.
The full list of changes will be presented on Discord (I should be there for the launch).
The only thing left to do is to wait.
Once Doghouse Prologue and NTR life. are published, I will have interesting news to announce. But it depends.
I have just completed the integration with the Discord server. Everything stays the same old way, I think. People present on Patreon have been automatically accepted to the server and do not need to take extra steps. Those present on Subscribestar need to reconnect to Discord through their site. I did my best to make sure everyone received roles. If anyone is not satisfied (I'm talking about older subscribers) they must cancel their subscription. The server is open and you don't need to be a supporter to join. It is possible that there will be some minor problems, issues that I have overlooked but I will fix it when they occur.
Invitation to the server:
Love you guys
Changes, changes, changes...
Hi! I'm coming back this time directly to you, i.e. people interested in Doghouse.
As you already know the existing Doghouse will be divided into two parts. "Doghouse: Prologue" - This will be a full intro refined and expanded with a couple of sequences. "Doghouse: Part One" - This is the further fate of the characters in the town of Secret Village.
Work on Prologue is in progress. I want it to be a showcase for the game so I will take a moment to polish this version.
While I was working on the game, I found that some of the characters didn't meet my internal rules of beauty and desire, so I started improving them, which I also wanted to show you with the example of Betty and Madame Rysa. Most of the CGI in Doghouse also have a lot of strange and ugly representations of shadows on the skin, so I acquire the images in a different way so that the quality is the highest.
Everything you remember from the Doghouse intro will change slightly or more, so playing it will be something fresh for those who have gone through it many times as well as for those checking out the game for the first time.
That's it about Doghouse for the moment.
Discord will be launched soon. I already have everything ready: rules, categories, channels and roles. Discord will be integrated with Patreon and Subscribestar only after I finish the new layout. People who are not involved in these two platforms will have free entry, so no worries. I will introduce everything to you in the days to come.