Reward Information:
Leafling Tier:
Pinup submissions can be character suggestions, pose suggestions, or both!
Do not submit OC's as suggestions, they will be rejected!!! However, suggestions for my own OC's will be considered.
Submissions are not guaranteed to be selected, please keep my own tastes in mind for the best chance of having your ideas selected.
If I wouldn't draw it, DON'T SUGGEST IT! Consult me through DMs if you are unsure what will get rejected. Not doing so could result in your membership being revoked!
Racc Pacc (Cameo) Tier:
Submit character cameos in the respective discord channel or in dms. Multiple characters can be suggested; however selection is not guaranteed.
Cameo slots are not guaranteed to be used in every project, but if I ever need a background character or stand in for a ych, they will be selected to be used.
Any of the following will be rejected as cameos:
- Overly complex designs (complex patterns, anatomy, armor/robotics, etc.)
- Non-OC characters (save those for pinup polls)
- Underage characters (just don't)
If your character is selected to be featured as a cameo you will receive a private message from me beforehand. If you do not want your character featured for what I've selected them for, the option will be offered for another character or subscriber.
Nooki Tier:
Submit character and pose ideas through dms, only one idea submission per month, nothing more. These reward drawings will be done in a simplified chibi style, and can be SFW orย NSFW in setting, up to you! The drawings will be colored with a minor amount of shading added, backgrounds and props will be kept to a minimum.
Any of the following will be rejected for sketches:
- Disallowed characters (see section above)
- Extreme kinks (please ask what is or isn't allowed, the list is too long to detail here)
- Overly complex poses (some poses simply will not work with this style)
Poses can contain up to two characters, however one has to be either a blank (ych) character, or one of my own, any other extras will likely be rejected.
If you have any more questions or need further clarification on what is written here, feel free to shoot me a message and I will try my best to clear things up!
Thank you for reading!