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Lewdatic's Smutt Stuff profile
Lewdatic's Smutt Stuff
Lewdatic's Smutt Stuff
Lewd toons, fetish art, and hentai.
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Lewdatic's Smutt Stuff
Public post
Here's my character Tavra Eonglow, a lvl 3 Eladrin magus.
@YmnaMaraad drew the sword for me (♡´౪`♡)
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Lewdatic's Smutt Stuff
Public post
''Melonwe LaVey'
I made her years ago, but she's only ever had 2 sessions. Aiming to make her one of my long term rp characters.
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the Goal
I'd like to purchase a decent microphone, and some recording software, so I can start making videos and streaming. Honestly not completely sure how much a decent one would be, but I think this would be a good starting point, and any extra money can be put toward purchasing programs, upgrading discord, or some such that will improve the quality of media that I can produce.

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