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Project Possible is a Kim Possible NSFW parody game
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Subscription Tiers

Follower tier

If you just want to follow me. Apparently this is a good idea to make, and who am I to say no? Does subscribestar not have a follow button?

No rewards for this one - who would have thought. Except you get invited to the discord (not my fault, I can't turn it off)

70 subscribers SubscribeStar $0.00 tier ; Subscribestar supporter
per month
Supporter Tier

If you pledge this, you will get this game (at least) 10 days ahead of the official release!

This is if you have more than a buck to spare and have more interest in the project. It means a lot to me that anyone would be interested in what I do as a hobby - and as everyone else I dream of one day being able to call it a job.

25 subscribers Handsomer people ; Subscribestar supporter
per month
Super-official Supporter

If you want to give a bit more, this is the tier for you - you get the game (at least) 14 days before the official release!

I hope you will find that your money is well spent, and as an additional benefit, your votes in polls now count double. Doing the math, that's good value compared to 1 vote for 3.

3 subscribers Too handsome people ; Subscribestar supporter
per month
Ultra-official supporter

As a reward, get the game 17 days before the official release!

Double digests now. Big thanks to everyone that has the money and furthermore interest in what i do. I'll do my best to make sure the game is worth all your money.

1 subscriber Chased by thicc girls ; Subscribestar supporter
per month

Pick this tier to get the game 21 days before public release! That's almost an entire 3 weeks!

Big thanks to everyone that has the money and furthermore interest in what I do.

Picking this tier, you probably already think the game is worth it, so I will do my best to make it even better!

0 subscribers Celebs ; Subscribestar supporter
per month
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If you pick this tier, you will be able to play the game an entire 25 days before public release. Honestly kind of a lot.

Only for those that has both too much money and really believes in the project. I'll work my hardest to make it worth every penny. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) And by that I mean "more titties".

But as the saying goes: With more titties comes faster titties. (Look it up, its real. But don't actually look it up)

1 subscriber The council of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ; Subscribestar supporter
per month

A tier you should pick if you really believe in the project or you just really have a lot of money to give.

Picking this tier will let you play new patches the exact day they are released. This means you get the patch 1 entire month before public release!

Additionally, anyone picking this will get the chance to decide a storyline that I will implement in whatever game I am currently making at the time - Complete with full drawings, small drawings, multiple parts and whatnot. It will be done via back and forth communication (probably on discord) until we find a way to implement your idea. If it makes sense in context of the game, I might just implement it the exact way as your brain came up with it - If it doesn't make sense, we find a way to make it make sense.

0 subscribers Gods amongst men ; Subscribestar supporter
per month
Mt. Olympus

You get the game first - 3 days before anyone else and an entire 34 days before public release.

Without anyone using this tier, the release is simply going to start at 50 dollars.

Similarly to the previous tier, anyone picking this will get the chance to decide a storyline that I will implement in whatever game I am currently making at the time. For this amount, it is possible to request something that spans a few patches, and thus can include more - Complete with full drawings, small drawings, multiple parts and whatnot. It will still have to make sense in the context of the game, but we will just communicate over discord or other online services to figure out how to fit it in seamlessly. Such quests have already been made, and if you aren't sure which ones, it means it was put flawlessly into the game. - You can choose whether you want your name in the credits or not.

Limited (0 out of 3) subscriptions
Godkings ; Subscribestar supporter
per month
Heavens gate

I only have this tier to say that I do, and I expect it to never be used.

But in the event that someone does, they will get the right to implement any story they wish into the game I am currently working on with very few restrictions (Mostly related to real life illegal stuff). I'll find a way to place it in the game so it makes sense.

Additionally, and obviously, you will also get access to the game as soon as it's out. Hell, if you wish to you can get it before it's out so you can test your story out and whatever.

0 subscribers King Midas ; Subscribestar supporter


  • Based on your tier, you will get new patches up to an entire month before they got public.
  • You also get roles in the discord, corresponding to your tier

Public post
Latest release for 3 dollars:

Sup everyone, how's it going? It's me again, and I am now back with a poll.

This is the last girl that's going to be a drawing of in the game for this patch, and all of the suggestions was from the last posts comment section. I got too many suggestions though - including on discord in dms, so I just kinda took a random selection.

I don't have much to say for this week. I've been writing - big surprise, and getting the references done. I plan to have them all done soon so muplur can start drawing them as soon as this month is over. It's weird, you wouldn't think one could feel this uncomfortable with just not releasing stuff, but I am kinda just slogging through it. So strange.

Anyways, the girls for this poll are: 
1: Esmeralda from a franky underrated Disney movie
2: Ruby Rose from Rbwy. Never followed the series, but I did see the trailer way back when and that was cool
3: Storm from x-men. I read a lot of comics but honestly I never see much of her
4: Azula from avatar. Hot as hell, very much a favorite. Though, I actually like Ty Lee more, which I've been told is the wrong opinion
5: Ember from Danny Phantom. I have all of that series downloaded. It's so sad they didn't have 1 more season, cause its in the realm of Kim Possible and totally spies when it comes to epic childhood series.

Anyways, that's all for now. See ya in a week. I have some code stuff I wanna show that a lot of you are probably gonna really applaud that I made - I just haven't done all the visual stuff for it yet.

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Public post

Healthy again n stuff

Latest release for 3 dollars:

Eyyo what up everyone? I'm back here again to talk about what I've done - but my lawyer advised against that, so I'm just gonna talk about the game instead.

First up I finally became healthy again. Took me an entire week just for a cold, and isn't it just typical that it happened right as my 3 weeks off of work started? God damn it. Well, whatever.
So, what have I been doing? Well, with less than a month until the drawings start, I've started writing them down and actually finding references for it. Did you know that finding ways to convey 50 different images is actually kinda hard?
I've also gotten Bonnies stuff fully done - except for posing figures - and I'm going to work on Tara's next... Or maybe Kim's, not sure.

In any case, I'm gonna have 1 last poll for a girl to make muplur draw a magazine picture of. Anyone got any ideas? If you do write the girl down below. It's not that I can't just find 5 girls like the other times, its just that I really like it when other people do the work for me.

I'm now hitting some strange thing where I really have nothing to write in these posts ^^' I don't really do anything interesting except just kinda... Write the words. At least I'm not dead I guess. I'll have to figure out something to talk about next time, but for right now, everything is going as it should be going!


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It is now July and it's warm

Latest release for 3 dollars:
What up people? I am back again!
We finally got into July, which I've been waiting for. Why? Cause now I have 3 weeks off my other job, which is pretty nice. But as it happens, I also decided to get a cold the first day of my vacation so that's also pretty cool.
Nothing bad though, cause my immune system is absolutely broken and always has been.

Anyways, game stuff... Well, this is the last month before we're back on track and making the images. The last weeks time I've been focusing most of my time on just writing dialogue. I'm doing pretty well with it.
I've also been splitting up the last work quest. Since now theres more content, it just made more sense to split it up into one misc quest for Monique and one for Kim.
There's still a bunch of stuff I need to do though. Firstly I need to add more events you can repeat on the phone - as I've kinda neglected this for the past 2 patches due to time -, Really need to make an easier system for repeating content. Sometimes its just a massive pain, but I at least have the time to make that simpler now.

I can't wait for the next patch to be closer to being out. It feels strange to go for this long without really having much to show ^^' 
In the future it will turn out to have been good though, since it gave me all the time to bugfix and whatever the game. I still need to run through the alternate routes that I didn't check before and make sure everything is as it needs to be. By the end of this, all that's gonna be left is my - many - spelling mistakes.

Anyhow, talk to you again soon! Hopefully I'll soon have gotten everything done that isn't requiring visuals.

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Public post

It's a damp summer

Latest release for 3 dollars:
How's it going everyone!?

It's me once again, here to talk about what has been going on.
First up, we had a poll last week, didn't we?
Well, the results were closer than I expected. I've already started writing the fox costume thingy.
Comically, I actually wrote the ball gag thing first, and believe me, for being relatively tame its something a lot of you are going to appreciate - with guest appearance and all kinda stuff. Sucks though, ya gonna have to wait 3 patches.
When they are all done, I'm gonna make it so that whatever you chose in the game is what's gonna happen first. That way I also don't need to railroad the timeline for using them.
Some people asked to use all of it at once, and to that I answer... Probably? Likely gonna be at the very end of it all.

Anyways! The other thing's I've been doing is continue the work events.
They are kinda hard to make cause they can't be super big, but I don't want them to feel flimsy either. Currently writing some stuff for another one of those night shifts with Monique, and its turning out to be pretty hot if you like a horny work environment.
Next is for Kim to also want a raise, but she has her whole costume business to take care of this patch.

Of course, on top of that we have the Bonnie stuff I made last week, and the end of Tara's questline which even includes a second girl in it - in an unspecified way.

Man, everyone seems to get a bunch of content this patch.

Anyways, that's the update for now. I've written stuff far into the next patch as well, so that should be easier when it comes - plus more coherent.


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Time to poll stuffs again!

Latest release for 3 dollars:

What's up everyone? I am here again!

I'm back again with news n stuff.
Yeah, I've been slowing these updates down a bit while Muplur is on vacation. After all, a lot of what I do right now isn't that exciting to read about, but I'll still prove I'm alive n stuff :p

So, what have I been spending this week on?
I've written the dialogue for a bunch of Bonnie stuff. I think a lot of you that has something for costumes will be very happy about this :p Feel free to suggest costumes for Bonnie down below - though I've already picked for this patch, I might use them in the future.
Then I wrote a hell of a lot of stuff for Tara. Like, its really a lot. I guess I can't put a lid on this longass questline in a simple way.
Outside of that, I made a bunch of work-related stuff (like, the bueno nacho work). Been planning out the future for it, since its just too intertwined to do on a patch by patch basis.
I still have more stuff left though. I'm thinking it's time to actually make use of some of those objects we bought for Kim. Now, I COULD just make it simple and slam all 3 items in there in this patch... Or I can be me and make a whole deal out of it and dedicate 3 times the amount of time to each item and just do them separately.
For those that don't remember, the items are: 
A gag (Ballgag specifically)
A collar
and a fox costume

And right now I've made a poll about it!

And also, since it's kinda hard to run 1 poll across 2 different platforms, I've made a SECOND poll, to determine what I do after the winner!

So anyways, that's all for now. I'm really just doing a lot of text-stuff. Can't wait to be at the more visual parts again :p
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Poll: What do we do with Kim next?

Latest release for 3 dollars:

Ey, first actual poll on subscribestar.

Anyways, its pretty selfexplainatory. I'm running 2 polls, one on patreon, one here. The winner over there will get stuff made this patch, the winner here will determine next patch.

If both have the same winner, I'll pick the runnerup from here, sounds good?

Also, votes are weighted by sub tiers price, cause that's a pretty cool feature that I'll make more use of when this place is a bit bigger
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24 posts


$98 of $500
per month
I hope to reach 500 because it would mean subscribestar is working
$98 of $2,000
per month
With this amount I can take over the world central bank

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