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Kirlian Light profile
Kirlian Light
Kirlian Light
Explicit erotic sci-fi/fantasy art and comics
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Títulos de Assinatura

USD mensal

Show your appreciation for my project and my Twitter posts! Every little bit helps!

1 assinante SubscribeStar $2.00 tier
USD mensal

Get comic pages and join my patron-only Discord! Follow the strange and chaotic saga of the Magical Stoner Girls as it unfolds!

8 assinantes SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD mensal

Get complete access to my Work-in-progress and exclusive Behind-the-scenes photos! Learn how I work my magic, warts and all. No spoilers though!

2 assinantes SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
USD mensal

Read about my inspirations, aspirations, and... uh... let's call them mutations... with my monthly autobiographical journal entries!

3 assinantes SubscribeStar $15.00 tier
USD mensal

Become a part of the story! Immortalize yourself or your OC with a background appearance in my comic!

Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 3)
SubscribeStar $50.00 tier
USD mensal
Eldritch Horror

Gaze into the abyss with a one-hour one-on-one art feedback session!

Assinaturas limitadas (0 de 3)
SubscribeStar $75.00 tier


  • Subscriber-only community
  • Comic pages
  • Work-in-progress/Behind-the-scenes


12 assinantes
641 publicação


$81 of $600
per month
5 pages total per month
$81 of $1,300
per month
7 pages total per month
$81 of $1,700
per month
I will buy a new tablet for creation of digital art.
$81 of $2,500
per month
I will acquire art studio space for faster production, and a happier Kirlian! 10 pages per month (probably!)
$81 of $4,000
per month
I will hire an art assistant.
$81 of $7,000
per month
Full color editions of the comic will be produced.

Outras Creators

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