Two Gazelles
There were two gazelles. They boarded bus 473 near the lagoon, intending to go to Copacabana Beach. Before getting on, they asked the driver if that bus would take them where they wanted to go. Not that I actually heard what they were saying, even though I was sitting near the turnstile, my hearing isn't that good, I just deduced the nature of the conversation because they spent a long time listening to the driver’s explanations, which convinced them to get on.
They passed through the turnstile, and I could see their beauty. Two young females with almost golden fur, amazing hair, few curves but very graceful, wearing short shorts, t-shirts, new backpacks, and expensive sandals. They sat in the front seats to receive instructions from the driver. I had a good view of them. I was re-reading a book of short stories; actually, I just wanted to re-read “The Hunchback and Botticelli’s Venus” by Rubem Fonseca. This story is about the strategies of a hunchback to win over females. Generally, he needed time, a lot of time, to convince them to give themselves to him despite his deformity.
Still at the lagoon, an old male boarded the bus and spent a long time stuck at the turnstile, gazing at the two under his dark glasses. This made the two change seats. "You scared the gazelles, old," I thought. But as soon as the old male went to the back of the bus, they returned, this time in separate seats. One of them, the blonde, sat next to me. But she didn’t stay for more than two minutes. They returned to their initial seats.
We went up Cantagalo Hill and when we came down, it was my stop. The driver called them to explain what they needed to do to get to the beach. They got off at the same stop as me. I was ahead, but I slowed down. I wanted them to pass me so I could admire them a little longer. Delicious! I'm not the type who thinks about having sex with two at the same time, because I believe that a good fuck can't have distractions, but at that moment I wished to have both of them with me in a big bed. I even thought about their legs moving before my eyes. I remembered the hunchback from the book and his strategies. Even though I don't have a spinal problem, I see myself as an unattractive male without great attributes.
I let them go their way to the beach while I entered the building to work. I’m sorry to disappoint the reader who thought they were reading an erotic tale, but in reality, I’m just another coward who admires females from afar.