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Ianvs Software
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2021-07-02 News

Hello again friends. Time for a little news.


Progress on the game continues unabated. Albeit a little slow these last two weeks because of the real job encroaching on my time. But that aside we're moving along well. I'm in the middle of three new chapters and a single update chapter and we're about half way on each.

My plan is to shift focus a bit for the next couple of weeks and work on driving the to completion one by one.

The writing for the previous poll winners was completed but I'm holding off on another art vote until I get these next chapters done and released. Then we'll fire up the cycle again near the middle/end of July to determine what content we'll produce in August.


Between working on renders I've been slowly expanding my 3D tool set. I've recently gotten a grip on volumetric lighting from scratch as well as surfacing and texturing in Substance Painter. I've made a number of custom props already for the game and have a few rooms for upcoming scenes in the pipeline.

At this point I've sent enough assets back and forth through Daz, Blender and Substance that I'm finally feeling at ease with the process and can jump back and forth with ease. This means custom props can be rapidly built, textured and imported into the game rapidly.

Is that all?!

I really wish I had more to share than that, but what can I say, we're sailing along now.

We all hoped that sooner or later these news reports were going to get briefer and briefer as we slowly conquered all the challenges we faced making this game.

So in that regard I'm happy to say we're still in a good spot. Code writes itself. Custom assets are now within our ability to make freeing us up to tell any story we'd like. And well, the story has been plotted start to finish and all that remains is to finish writing the scenes.

Test renders are being posted regularly again on the Discord for those unable or unwilling to watch the live streams. So yeah. Here we are!

Anyway, that's all I got for now. I'm going to keep jamming on this game and with all due luck we'll see one or more updates before the end of July.

Fingers crossed!

Cheers mates and thanks for the support.


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Ianvs Software
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2021-06-16 News

Alright, let's do this one more time from the top!

It's official, I'm sick of writing!

But on the upside I have a shit ton of first draft and plot structure laid out. On the one hand it's been very invigorating doing so much writing these last few weeks. Once I had the plot lines for initial characters laid down a wave of inspiration washed over me and I had all these ideas in my head I wanted to lay down. But after a few weeks of developing story, I'm ready to get back to the meat and bones of things.

Polls will resume at the end of next week as we start deciding which characters' stories to lay down in final draft. This week and next I want to finish up the artwork for the chapters we currently have in production. We're about halfway done with three chapters and I want to see those get wrapped up before moving on to the next stage.

I realized today that I haven't signed on to Patreon since the last news update, so I have some messages I need to respond to as well as making the rounds on the forums and discord.

I'll spend some time today and tomorrow playing catch up on the messages and replying to all of you who've been so patiently awaiting my attention.

I'll probably start back in with some streaming tomorrow and Friday as I hammer out the remaining artwork for the chapters in progress. Currently we have Emily, Lupita and Jane all in various stages of completion.

My tentative goal for July is to have all three completed and ready for release. That means July should be a three chapter month if all proceeds on track. I pretty much have all the assets I need and the characters are finalized. So let's push this through and get another big release going for next month.

That's pretty much all I got for now. We'll talk soon!

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Ianvs Software
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You know the drill, so let's do it.

All Quiet on the Amana Front?

True, I haven't been as present as I normally am. For some strange reason these last few weeks I've been riding this creative high and I don't know when it'll stop. At this point I've learned to identify these little bouts of creative energy when they come and I take full advantage of them when they come.

That said, I've been laying down a lot of groundwork on the story. As previously mentioned I had been working ruthlessly on the script and had finished mapping out a three act story arc for each character. Well as soon as I had that done, I suddenly found myself amid a storm of ideas and have been scrambling to get them down in text.

So now for many characters I've not only got the three act plot laid down, but have also mapped out the five chapter arc for the first act. All first/rough draft story that will be the bones upon which we write our final draft.

And in the process of building out those initial chapters, I've started discovering new things about my characters. Story ideas and personality traits that were apparently waiting to be discovered. Jane in particular started to reveal some pretty interesting things to me during her initial chapter planning.

I've always had a rough idea of who Jane is, but it turns out there were parts of her personality and character that she had been waiting to reveal. And so while her and a few other characters have undergone a bit of a social redesign, rest assured that nothing you've love about her has been taken away. She's still the Jane you knew before. Now she just has some deeper thoughts, desires and motivations that you've yet to uncover. And it's these little details that help bring her and other characters to life by freeing them up from two-dimensionality.

All in all I've plotted about 30 chapters in the last couple of weeks and I have a handful more I want to get out of my head and into Scrivener before I take a break. The writing process is starting to take a bit of a toll and I can feel the exhaustion starting to creep in. That's usually the sign that I need to lay down the pen and paper for a bit and get back to running the artwork for a change of pace.

And the Streams?

Obviously streaming me generating story ideas and writing down text in scrivener isn't very riveting material. Plus it provides way too many spoilers. My goal for this next week is to finish the first five chapters that comprise Act I for each character. That gives us around 60 chapters waiting for a final draft that we can vote on and begin working toward completion. Also this week I'll probably stream my progress on finalizing character design.

My presets in Daz have gotten a bit outta whack and I need to comb through everything and make sure the surfaces are updated and everyone is ready for immediate drop into the story. I started this process the other day with a small stream and will continue it through the week so we can finish up character design. After that we'll be back to regularly streaming art work and pushing out play tests.

Oh, and I can't count!

Last report I said we had 13 possible love interests. Not sure what happened or who I forgot, but it turns out there are 14. In alphabetical order they are:

Amanda Campbell Anne Templeton Candice McCreary Cassie H.......olliday! Emily Harrington Jane Howard Kim Teak Lita Lola Lupita Rosales Monica Williams & Sharice Johnson Nanami Sakamura Raena Larson Sarah Cartier

As we work on finalizing the character designs, I'll post up the character introduction sheets and confirm their completion.

That's it for now...

Still a lot of work to do, but the final vision of this game is coming quickly into view. All that's left is chipping away at the art and final drafts to bring it in. Can't wait to get back to work on the art with you on the live streams. Till then, Salute!

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Ianvs Software
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2021-05-27 News I know it's been a hot minute since we dropped some news. So let me take some time now to bring you up to speed.

It's been a busy couple of weeks to be certain. And the work I've been doing wasn't really anything streamable. What have I been working on? Well I'm glad you asked.

Asset Pipeline

I've been putting in quite a bit of time these last few weeks ironing out all the kinks in the asset development process. There has been quite a bit of trial and error still, but now things seems to be worked out. I was doing a lot of testing across software platforms and it was easier to just have all the software up and bounce back and forth between them to see how changes reflected. So because I was running three different pieces of software at once and two were generally rendering at the same time, streaming was infeasible.

But now that I've got a tentative processes flowing I can stream some of this work going forward since I shouldn't need to run everything simultaneously as I now have an idea of what to expect when moving between them.

Story Structure

It was past time I started looking at the whole story and where we were going. To this point I've been writing the story a chapter at a time with a general idea of where we're going. However, now that we've picked up the pace and I'm writing multiple scenes week it was time to iron everything out flat.

It took a few days, but I finally have the rest of the game generally mapped out. To ease development process this required a little bit of restructuring of the story. Now don't worry, we didn't lose anything. But some of the previous chapters are being broken up into smaller chapters and within those smaller chapters some scenes are getting added content.

To keep the story flowing smoothly and avoid having to write too many alternate scenes and branching paths, I've begun to minimize some of the cross over story arcs and prune up a few of the over hanging branches. This will reduce redundancy and also free up the players to skip some characters entirely if they choose. As it was previously laid out, there were some scenes that needed to fire off in sequence and had to be completed to open up other characters stories.

This is no longer the case as I want players to be able to freely pick and choose which characters they want to engage with. This required a bit more compartmentalization of each character's story and free me up from trying to track and develop ways to get information to the character that may be buried in a scene they'll never play because they don't want to interact with a specific love interest.

Characters will of course show up in each other's stories and complications will ensue. It's just that the individual plots no longer require you to play a different character's chapter before you can advance in your current love interest's story.

Chapter Map

I've also completely laid out the story lines for each love interest in rough draft. Once more for ease and speed of development, I've decided to break up the story for each love interest into a traditional three act story. Each act will consist of five or six chapters while each chapter will consist of five or six scenes with a minimum of 2,500 words.

For a long time I've been saying, I know where the story is going but am still working out how it gets there. Well, that's done. I've now worked out how we get there. That does mean the chapters will be smaller. But they'll also be faster to write and faster to render.

And so each love interest in the game will get around 75 total scenes in the game from start to finish.

I also plan to add additional Doctor Amana chapters between the Acts for each character.

Oh yeah, speaking of characters...

Final Casting Complete

I have finally hit the limit on possible love interests in the game. Not that we can't always use more, it's just that I have covered a lot of ground with the characters I have and the sheer diversity is enough to keep me satisfied.

In total it looks like we're going to have 13 Possible Love Interests. None are exclusive and many of them are connected or have internal relationships of their own. So while the individual plots of these characters have been separated, there is still a lot of cross over happening to pull all the stories together.

With a lot of that worked out now I plan to continue with the streaming either tomorrow or Monday, time permitting. I've got another play test ready in the hopper and it's just waiting on music and a final code sweep and it should be ready for upload. So tomorrow may end up going into that. We'll see.

In any case, we'll talk soon.


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Ianvs Software
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What the hell man?! More changes?!
Don't worry, hopefully like the others this is a good thing.
Lately I've been trying to downsize all the administrative stuff that I'm doing for the game. Especially in light of the real job hammering me a little harder than usual it's been a goal to try and wrangle as many minutes of the day as possible for work on the game.
The live streaming is good and I'm going to continue doing that indefinitely. However, putting a stream together is a bit of a production. I have to figure out what I'm working on. Get my assets ready. Slot the time and figure out when I can get an uninterrupted block for a stream. Then I have to build the notifications and post them on Discord, Subscribestar, Patreon, and sometimes two or more threads on F95.
Anyway, short story made long, we're not doing that anymore. Now that I'm bouncing back and forth between various pieces of software it's no longer efficient for me to just put together a Daz Stream during a convenient block of time during the day.
Going forward (starting like right now) I'm just going to sit down, flick on the camera and the mic, and get to work. I may get in an hour, I may get in four. I may get in four one hour streams during the day when it's convenient. Who knows.
The point is that I'll be free to utilize every free moment of the day to get something done on the game. A stream may just be asset creation and modification. It may be working on a scene. It may be Character creation. But whatever it is, the camera will be on and as often as possible the mic will be up.
For those who still want notifications of streaming times, I encourage you to sign up to Picarto. It's free and from there you can request notifications be sent when I go live.
Also, since I have a 12 video limit on Picarto and many of you seem to be utilizing this feature, I'll work on putting together a directory where $5+ patrons can download any previous stream. (I've been recording them all along there just hasn't been much reason or space to post access). This will ensure that if I run 12 mini streams during the week (not very likely) you'll still have access to the previous week's work and beyond.
I'm excited about stepping up the pace of development. Let's throw this thing into high gear!
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2021-05-03 News

Wow, ok it looks like it’s been awhile so I figure it’s time to share some news! Now, where to start?!

I Swear I Wasn’t Ghosting You Baby!

And that’s true. I’ve been quiet the last couple of weeks but that’s because the week before last I had a chest cold and and had to spent he week after playing catch up with the real job. So between bouts of coughing and grinding out the real job I didn’t have much energy or time for live streaming. But that doesn’t mean the time was lost. In fact during my periods of lucidness I’ve managed to learn quite a bit these last couple of weeks.

So What’d You Learn?

I’ve been breaking down my 3D learning into discrete chunks. Areas that I feel I should master to move forward with top not development and artwork. The first area is one of the largest contributors to high quality renders, textures. So over the last couple of weeks I’ve doubled down hard on learning Substance Painter.

I still have a few more chapters of study left to complete but already I’m reaping the benefits. Through online tutorials and good old fashioned trial and error, I now have a pipeline to run assets from Daz to Blender for modification. Then from Blender to Substance for texturing and surfacing. After which everything is exported back into Daz for use in the game. It took some doing to configure the presets so that the world axis, tangent spaces and scales lined up between the three programs, but I finally nailed it down.

This brings us within reach of escaping our reliance on the Daz store and other online resources and gives us the ability to craft whatever custom assets we want or need for the game. It’s a major win that I’m excited to capitalize on going forward.

New Game Feature

Oh and before I forget, I’ve added another minor feature to the game. Along with an opacity slider for the text box you can now change the color of the font. I’m going to work on tidying it up later and hiding it behind a drop down box, but for now it’s functional and will be included in the playtests and releases going forward. Just wanted to mention that before I forgot about it.

Poll Results

And of course I’d be remiss if I didn’t comment on the character poll from a few weeks ago. The popularity of Cassie, Jane and Amanda was no surprise. What did surprise me was the popularity of Lola compared to some of the other characters. Not going to lie, that one took me by surprise. I’ll be sure to do some more of these public opinion polls as we go forward and continue to add characters to our retinue. It doesn’t steer development, but it is fascinating to see what’s currently highest in the ranking.

Tier and Development Changes

And finally the kicker. Without recapping all of the conversations I’ve had about this topic with different patrons, players and friends, I’m thinking it’s time to do some updating to the tiers and the path of development. The reality is that in the world of Patreon and game development there is no one size fits all solution rewards and and benefits.

Lately I’ve added some additional complication by including a Subscribestar option for which I don’t have the ability to mirror all the rewards and benefits currently offered through Patreon. Ideally I’d like to strike a balance so that one platform doesn’t have an advantage over the other and the rewards are evenly distributed so that everyone gets a little something.

So in the next week or so I’m going to go through and do a re-vamp of the tier system on both platforms. With one exception the goal is not to take away any of the existing rewards but to expand on them and even them out between the two platforms. Here are some of the tentative ideas I’ve been tossing around in conversation. I’d be curious to know your thoughts as well. Who knows, maybe someone will say something extremely convincing that would dissuade me from some of the below possibilities.

Tier 1 ($1)

-Access to the latest Release 4 weeks after Tier 2 Patrons

-Access to the Previous Month’s WIP Version (a chance to sample the newest content)

-NSFW Teaser Art as always!

Tier 2 ($5)

-Access to the latest Release 4 weeks ahead of Tier 1

-Access to the Current Month’s WIP Version

-Participation in Bi-weekly polls to determine content production

-NSFW Teaser Art as always!

Tier 3 ($10)

-Access to the latest Release 4 weeks ahead of Tier 1

-Playtest Each New Scene as it becomes available. (These will be bundled at the end of the month and released as a WIP Version until all the content is assembled to build a Release.)

-Participation in Bi-weekly polls to determine content production

-NSFW Teaser Art as always!

Tier 4 ($20)

-Access to the latest Release 4 weeks ahead of Tier 1

-Playtest Each New Scene as it becomes available. (These will be bundled at the end of the month and released as a WIP Version until all the content is assembled to build a Release.)

-Participation in Bi-weekly polls to determine content production

-Access to the Asset Directory (As I build custom assets, scenes, props, characters, etc. I want to make them available to players for the creation of Fan Art!)

-NSFW Teaser Art as always!

Tier 5 ($30)

-Access to the latest Release 4 weeks ahead of Tier 1

-Playtest Each New Scene as it becomes available. (These will be bundled at the end of the month and released as a WIP Version until all the content is assembled to build a Release.)

-Participation in Bi-weekly polls to determine content production

-Access to the Asset Directory (As I build custom assets, scenes, props, characters, etc. I want to make them available to players for the creation of Fan Art!)

-Participation in Bi-Monthly Polls to Determine Lewd Content (Each month we will add one new ‘position’ to an existing menu in the game’s lewd scenes. Here’s your chance to determine which character and scene gets some new love.)

-NSFW Teaser Art as always!

Summary: What We’ve Gained

The big additions to this structure are the bi-monthly expansion of the sex scenes in the game. By changing from a “purchase what you want to see” to a “vote for who you want to see” model we can ensure gradual and consistent expansion of those scenes going forward.

We’re also opening up the play testing to more tiers over time. This will give $1 and $5 patrons a change to sample some new content prior to the release if they choose to.

We can do some minor track adjustment on a weekly basis to determine which characters we’re working on. Since everyone will have access to play tests in due time, and since we are now in a position to effectively work on multiple characters simultaneously I’m now willing to give this a try.

And of course the asset directory for those wanting to build their own DAST artwork. Any assets I create and surface on my own are mine and I can freely distribute them however I please. This means more custom props, environments and modifications which will not only make the game unique, but give those artists among you something new to play with.

Summary: What We’re Losing

The Exclusive Gallery was a fun idea but has been incredibly slow growing and I don’t know that it ever really generated much traction. In hand with that we’ll be losing custom wallpapers. While these are exceptionally fun they’ve turned out to be a lot more involved and time consuming than I thought they’d be. I’ve only made a small handful and already I’m months behind schedule on delivery with several more still in the queue.

I’ll finish up all the artwork that is owed but May will probably be the last month that I do these commissions. Starting in June we’ll switch over to the new model. So don’t worry, if you’re one of the few people who’ve purchased these custom wallpapers, you’ll still get everything you’re owed at the quality you expect. And if you’ve already paid for May I’ll be honoring those commissions as well!

We’re also probably going to lose the Alternate Game Modes. This is a really fun idea that I was excited to implement, but as I’m totaling up the numbers I’m just not sure the interest is there. Cassie’s chapter had over 1300 images. Assuming 3/4 of those had alternate images, that’s two per mode for an additional 2600 images. Daz takes anywhere from 15 to 25 seconds to save a file. Which means while live streaming that’s about 10 hours spent JUST SAVING THE IMAGES! Now figure another 40 seconds to a minute and a half to load the image, and another fifteen to twenty to render…well let’s just say that the alternate game modes added about 700+ hours in total from creation to rendering to post production.

I know, I know. Some of you warned me. Still. I thought it was a cool idea and that I could pull it off with both systems running. But it turns out it’s the time spent in between that is really sucking it up.

So in all likelihood I’ll be ditching those Alt Game modes and just focusing on Core Content.

None of this is of course set in stone. It’s a tentative plan. And who knows, we may try this and decide it doesn’t work and go back to how it was. Or we may decide it’s better and go this way forever. Or we may come up with something better in between. Point is, there is no hard science behind it. It’s just a matter of finding ways for me to make this fun for you and give you opportunities to influence and experience the game throughout the entire production process.

Feel free to let me know your thoughts. Share them in the comments or send me a message directly through email or Discord. I’d love to know your thoughts.

Anyway, that’s all I got for now. I’ll be back online tomorrow to stream some more Emily content and then we got to revisit our dear girl Lupita.


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