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Hi, just an aspiring creator delving into writing and art, maybe animations one day. Some weird kinks here, make sure you know what you're getting into.
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Títulos de Assinatura

por mês
Dick Detective
  • Access to all written Exclusive Epics. (Epic Production currently on hiatus until the start of 2025.)

  • Early Access to Exclusive Artworks.

  • 1 vote per poll. (Polls decide things like settings, kinks, themes, appearing characters and other factors of upcoming Subscribers’ Choice Epics, Bi-monthly Short Stories and now some Artworks as well.)

56 assinantes Dick Detective
por mês
Penis Proctor
  • Access to all written Exclusive Epics. (Epic Production currently on hiatus until the start of 2025.)

  • Early Access to Exclusive Artworks.

  • 2 votes per poll. (Polls decide things like settings, kinks, themes, appearing characters and other factors of upcoming Subscribers’ Choice Epics, Bi-monthly Short Stories and now some Artworks as well.)

  • 5% off any Commissions while Subscribed.

0 assinantes Penis Proctor
por mês
Cock Connoisseur
  • Access to all written Exclusive Epics. (Epic Production currently on hiatus until the start of 2025.)

  • Early Access to Exclusive Artworks.

  • 3 votes per poll. (Polls decide things like settings, kinks, themes, appearing characters and other factors of upcoming Subscribers’ Choice Epics, Bi-monthly Short Stories and now some Artworks as well.)

  • 10% off any Commissions while Subscribed.

  • Chance to have a fully rendered solo drawing done for a character of your choosing. (Randomly decided on the 7th of every other month. Character can either be an OC of your own, a fanart of a character of your choosing, or someone else’s OC with the creator’s permission, myself included. The level of cleanliness/grossness will be up to you.)

3 assinantes Cock Connoisseur
por mês
Phallus Magnus
  • Access to all written Exclusive Epics. (Epic Production currently on hiatus until the start of 2025.)

  • Early Access to Exclusive Artworks.

  • 5 votes per poll. (Polls decide things like settings, kinks, themes, appearing characters and other factors of upcoming Subscribers’ Choice Epics, Bi-monthly Short Stories and now some Artworks as well.)

  • 15% off any Commissions while Subscribed.

  • Chance to have either a fully rendered drawing done for a character of your choosing (solo or interacting with another character) OR have said character appear in an upcoming Short Story.. (Randomly decided on the 7th of every other month. Character can either be an OC of your own, a fanart of a character of your choosing, or someone else’s OC with the creator’s permission, myself included. The level of cleanliness/grossness will be up to you.)

3 assinantes Phallus Magnus


  • Full access to my monthly epics.
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Had planned to post the next chapter of Abducted yesterday, however it's turning out longer than planned, mostly because of some ideas I had at the last minute that I wanted to incorporate. The final piece is going to be more than double the length, not sure by how much yet as it's still in progress. Really sorry for not uploading in August but I'm hoping to make up for it by posting everything I'm currently working on at once in the next couple weeks.

Ass for the results of the polls, they're finally out. I pretty much knew it was going to end up this way since a couple days after putting them up, seems like this story still has a special place in my catalogue.
The third art gallery I'm going to be working on will therefore be based on Valuable Assets with the main theme being Gross Forniphilia!

Thanks everyone for voting, I already have an idea of what I'm going to do. Can't wait to get started, AFTER i finish my backlog 😅

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May SC Epic announcement!

Chapter 6 of TRP 2 is finished and in editing (14k words), that will be posted tomorrow.

For now, here's the synopsis of the Epic curated by all of your votes:

"Andrew was just walking the street one day, minding his own business, and suddenly gets transported to another world! Fanciful tales of swords and magic ensue… for everyone else except our hero. You see, things tend to turn out a bit differently when you immediately gain the favor of the God of Perversion, but Andrew isn’t one to let a bad lot get him down! He’ll see all his mission and quests through to the end, even if they mostly involve things like… sucking dick for sustenance?!"

Fun right? The title still has yet to be decided, there's currently an ongoing poll on twitter to decide on the name.

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Most of you would have probably already heard me talk about this, my initial plan was to leave my job later this year. However, thanks to the support of all my readers, commissioners and subscribers, I’ve managed to reach a point where I feel like I can finally take my time back and invest more into the content that I create.

Those who have been following me for a while will know about my struggles with time management in creating and posting content, which was simply a result of me having to work 10hrs almost everyday with barely a few hours to get things written, edited and posted. However, that is now a thing of the past, from now on I will not only be able to write more in the day, but I will finally have time to invest in the other aspects of my creations that have been on the back burner for way to long; 2D and 3D art and animation. I’m so excited to finally get into this for real, and again, I have those who’ve supported me and what I do for getting to where I am today, THANK YOU!
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First and foremost, thank you everyone for all the support and enthusiasm you’ve showed for my stories during my first month off hiatus! I have a couple things I’d like to announce for how I’d like to carry on with my journey as a creator for this year.


For the time being, hopefully until my current work lifestyle changes, I plan to take a hiatus for a month after three months of posting. This will be for the sake of rest and recuperation while I pursue my other goals in the meantime, mainly with my art studies. The current and most simple roadmap, if it could be called that, that I have planned for the remainder of this year will be as follows:

One month featuring a brand-new Epic, followed by another month where I continue one that I’ve previously posted (eg. TRP, SB, THO etc.), and finally the Subscribers’ Choice Epic that will be voted on during these periods of time. This will be followed by a one-month hiatus for the purposes I’ve stated before I return to write again. Of course, weekly stories will continue to be posted as usual during these active periods.

I’ve already spoken about this with those in my Discord, but I plan to quit my job by the end of this year to become a creator full-time. This will of course take a lot of hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of Top Ramen, however this is something I really want to do for myself as I no longer want to give so much of my time to a job where I’m expendable.

In conclusion, I will be on hiatus again during the month of JUNE!


Now that we’ve entered April, I’d like to put some focus into tackling and completing the commissions that I’ve been requested from some of the readers in the community. Thank you again those that presented me with this opportunity! With that, commissions will be officially closed from this moment forth, but I’ll definitely be doing more in the future as I’ve had a great time just completing the one, I’ve posted so far.

Three of this month’s weekly stories will be commissions of ideas other’s have pitched to me, hopefully I’ll be able to meet everyone’s expectations and create stories that all will be able to enjoy, look forward to it.


May’s Subscribers’ Choice Epic:

Voting has ended and the votes are in! The results will be posted later, however with the input of everyone who voted, the ideas are flowing in, and I’ve already got a raunchy filthy adventure cooking up in my head that I can’t wait to share with all of you!


April’s Epic Announcement:

The Rarest Pokémon Volume 2!

The adventure continues in the land of dickgirl Pokémon! I’m really excited about this one, I’ve got a ton of original concepts that I plan to bring to life in this volume. Well, I don’t know if they’re actually original or not, however I’m still having a blast writing about these new ideas and I hope you all have just as much fun reading them, one-handed or otherwise.

Something those that have read Volume one will realize when getting into this new volume is that there are some minor changes that had been adapted into the series. This all goes back to a post I made in the beginning about trying to make my characters more unique, however that’s not all.



Anyone who’s followed for a while will know about my super-packed daily schedule by now, which is mostly a result of my 60hr day job (hence my determination to quit). I’ve always been frustrated that my stories tend to be rushed at times without me being able to implement all of the ideas that I have in mind. Therefore, starting this month, I plan to slowly rewrite my Epics one by one!

More depth, more detail, more segs, more filth, more horny. I’m planning to make the previous word counts look like a joke!

Now I’m going to be honest and upfront about this, a big part of my reason for doing this is that I want to bring my own works to a higher standard, but another part is that I want to create more incentive for my subscribers. What I mean by that is that I’d like to get more people into the $7 tier where they have the chance to have one of their own characters, or even themselves be featured in a weekly story. So far, I’ve only ever had others’ characters featured in the Epics, and while that was fun to do, I’d like to do more with the weekly stories.

At the same time, I don’t want to put my content behind a paywall within a paywall. Therefore, those subbed to the $7 tier (and above) will have early access to the Epic Rewrites when they’re posted while those subbed to the $5 tier will gain access 14 days later (going with two weeks so that subscriptions don’t end right before access is granted).

Besides that, every other aspect of subscriptions will remain as normal. Also please note that I am making all of this up as I go along as I have little to no experience with this kind of thing. If anybody has suggestions on how the subscription experience for each tier can be made better, then please consider contributing to the #suggestions channel in Discord!

Also, there is currently no need to be in a hurry to switch your tier as I haven’t even started the rewrite yet. I’ll be sure to inform you all of when it’s closed to finished, so for now just keep reading and keep fapping.


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Current situation.

First of all, the story itself. As I said to those in discord, I have too many ideas for this story to fit it all into a single volume, and therefore I'll be turning this one into a series where there'll be at least a Volume 2.
What I hadn't mentioned yet is that the next two chapters will each be double length and will mark the end of the first volume, Chapter 6 being the last for this volume.

Now, as for why it's so late:
I had told you all that I'll be working to get it done by the end of this month i.e tomorrow.
Well that was until all the powers that fuck with I decided to screw me over. It wasn't bad enough that one of my co-workers at my irl job scheduled a small vacation, but another different co-worker's dad suddenly fell ill(not COVID). So as one of the few competent employees on the job, I've had to fill in for their positions for the past week, meaning that I literally lost all the writing time I usually get on the job.
So as it stands now, Chapter 5 is pretty much done and just needs to be edited, Chapter 6, not so much. This is also the reason I haven't released any free stories this week.

So, my current goal is to have both chapters ready to be released together on Wednesday.
Reminder that I'll be on hiatus from writing during the month of February to focus on 3D modelling and animation.
I understand if you would want to put your subscriptions on pause until I get back, therefore for those that are subscribed right now whose subscriptions may end before the chapters get released, I will email the chapters to you directly. Just send me an email with your subscriber name.

I'm sorry for the delays everyone.
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Chapter 3 delayed for the sake of your balls.

The title may sound like a dumb joke, but I'm serious. The chapter is done, however the ending is probably one of the most blue-balls cliffhangers I've ever written. Therefore, I've decided to release it at the same time as Chapter 4 on Friday so that I don't have to wake up to torches and pitchforks outside my window in the middle of the night.
This means that Friday will effectively be a triple release, quadruple if you account for the free story being a double length chapter.
Sorry for the delay!
Also, I know this one started pretty late, but I'll be working overtime to ensure that all 8 chapters get released by the end of this month.
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