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Hatsune C profile
Hatsune C
Hatsune C
Currently making a Visual Novel with Shinobu as the main heroine.The game is close to be released.Also making hentai story videos My Main Series is a crossover of girls from various animes/mangas/games, interacting and playing with each other. I have large variety of girls,, that you can enjoy

Subscription Tiers

per month

Thank You and welcome to my page. I hope you'll have a good time :)

164 subscribers
per month
Major Support

Thank you very much for supporting me. Let me know if you want to get any of the existing animations from any video, with different girl.

20 subscribers
per month
Big Support

Thank You Very Much. Tell me, if you want me to modify girls models to your liking (ex: bigger sizes, different hairs, etc), and make animations with them. Also you can ask for me to make new girls, not available in my roster. (Please contact me beforehand If you want me to make new model, Thank You)

1 subscriber
per month
Video Request

Video Request (Please contact me earlier).

1 subscriber
per month
MMD Tier

Please contact me.

1 subscriber
per month
Story Video Tier

Please contact me.

0 subscribers


  • Full access to all my videos, wallpapers, etc.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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