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HardLight Artwork profile
HardLight Artwork
HardLight Artwork
I'm an artist who does all sorts of things, come take a look!

Планы подписки

в месяц
Keep the Quavers Rolling in

You'll be helping me keep myself going and will be given a great thanks! Along with this, you'll be given access to seeing my streams and my in-progress works

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $1.00 tier
в месяц
Four bags of Quavers and a cup of coffee

Keep me going with wonderful help and a great thank you.

Along with the first tier level, once a month, you'll get one piece of artwork designed - this will be a character piece without a background

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
в месяц

Holy Hell! You want me to be swimming in these quavers! But you will be given a big thank you for this tier

Along with everything in the previous tier, you'll get a piece you want done in my style. Pick a character and I'll redo the drawing for you once a month.

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
в месяц
He's crazy that's what the coffee is for

The biggest of hugs given here will be dolled out for whoever helps me in this means. And I might share a bag of Quavers with you...maybe.

Along with all previous tiers, you'll get access to the files I'm working on and see how my progress is being made. How insane I am for using Illustrator for everything and drawing with a mouse too!

0 подписчиков SubscribeStar $20.00 tier


  • Artwork done by me in all styles, from the H-Work I do, to comics, and pin up pieces
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