Join this one just to get notifications about when I post new stuff on Subscribestar.
Join this one just to get notifications about when I post new stuff on Subscribestar.
I'm including here the access to all my ex-public episodes, since THE LINK TO ALL is not there anymore.
1- After subscribing, go to the PIXIV webpage.
2- Find and select the option 'My pixiv request', near my avatar.
3- Send me a message telling me your subscribestar nickname.
Apart of the PRIVATE EPISODES on pixiv, you will get access to the BONUS content, that includes:
But READ the INSTRUCTIONS. / 指示を読んで / 설명서를 읽으세요
Choose ANY of my episodes published, or a fetish, by sending me a private message.
A selection of images will be published for everyone on the plan, and all images will be:
Originals (1920x1080) on JPG or PNG version.
Versions without text or lactation for images
Discarded scenes will be included.
You can also go for animations from the episodes published or make a special request for new small sets (like, changing the character of one of my scenes, or her physical condition).
All the content is 2D works. ・内容は全て2D作品です。
25 SKETCHS never released will be uploaded PER WEEK, until all the collection is complete. (so far, only 250 private drawings uploaded)
すべてのコレクションが完了するまで、毎週 25 のスケッチがアップロードされます。 (これまでに、250 の私的な図面がアップロードされました)
Some sketchs will be chosen by you, INKED and COLORED, and even modified by changing characters.
These ones will be selected and published during the weekends
Check the posts for access.