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GUR0BEETL3 profile
The content that I create is primarily queer monsterboy pinups, mostly trans flavored, but there's sprinklings of horror, gore, and darker themes throughout. Also working on a larger project rn!

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в месяц

With this tier, you get access to all of my content several weeks early, both SFW and NSFW.

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в месяц

Everything same as prior, except there's first dibs on commission slots and adopts (when available), and a free quick sketch once monthly.

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  • Hi! My name is GUR0BEETLE, or simply Beetle! I'm a 23 year old transmasc queer artist who's currently just trying out full time art, and trying to get along in life. Found here, is my artwork! The rang of art seen here will go from tender and loving moments, to character design, to hard kink and more. Each and every sub means the world to me, and I hope you'll find something you like in here! Thank you so much for reading this, and I hope you have a wonderful day <3
Displaying posts with tag Sfw.Reset Filter

some rain world doodles! ! i wanna digitize the one with my scug and their king vulture companion

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