You'll have our sincere thanks for your support, and your SubscribeStar username credited in our games!
This tier does not have access to the journals.
You'll have our sincere thanks for your support, and your SubscribeStar username credited in our games!
This tier does not have access to the journals.
You'll get in-game credit, plus monthly DevJournals full of images and short videos of work-in-progress content, and access to a special discord channel for sharing your thoughts!
All the benefits of a Sponsor, plus access to our special 'TestRoom' downloads every 1-2 months, where you'll be able to play around in a curated exhibit of the various features we've been working on and are showing off in our monthly DevJournals!
All the above, plus access to to the Mini Project depository after the first one is released!
If you're CRAZY about GroveDev and want to support us in a big way, this tier is for you! You'll receive all of the above rewards, plus a special in-game credit to show how much we appreciate you!
You'll receive all of the above-mentioned rewards, plus you'll get a single custom emoji drawn by RegalBuster that'll be featured in GROVE, and a copy for personal Discord / Telegram use!
This reward is one per-user!