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GoatPampered profile
Illustrator of poofy underwear and smolifcation of OC and characters of all sorts.goat enthusiast
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every bit counts and helps, still thank you so much for the support.

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The Doodlers club

Join to get full access to the content of my subscribestar and get to see all my art before anyone else.

as well as get to participate in art polls and get discounts on commission and YCH when they happen.

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Sketcha you betcha

You get one Artist freedom painted sketch com per month.

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Color Collaborators

One single character artistic freedom flat color illustration a month.

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  • Getting to vote in a character and theme poll for the art i make.
  • Early access to pic's as WIP's and sketches.

Noggen cleaning, Diaper filling

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Substar Color com - Dirtybooks

The first magical jane, DB snaged the color slot and we following up on the former magical girl turned momster kangaroo with her own panther who she happily turned her little "jane".

Just the adorable little baking baby who was mama's first bun in her oven.
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Messing around with doing like non greyscale style sketches. make it a bit easier to denote thing...

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Gift art/Goofing on my buddy art - No more phone before bed time

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Color collaborators is live!!! 

the new flat color commission tier is live and ready to get got for that lucky babo or parent looking for some fun.

only opening with one slot for now but if thing go well and i get a goo rhythm going more slot will open up hopefully in the future.
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DB gave me free reign this month and going back to conversation we had about a kangaroo momster who turned magical girls into her little janes i wanted to take a stab at that idea. as well as the added twist of our new magical momster being a former magical girl herself all grown up but descending to become a new magical momma for all kinda of fun.
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