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Funk_Dangerfield profile
Amateur NSFW Pixel artist. Making lewd animations and videos, and maybe games eventually. All of my content will remain free for the time being, but if you want to support me, this is a way to do it.
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  • SubscribeStar will act as a full database for all my content.
  • I may upload work-in-progress pieces/animations here, and will probably post finished works earlier here as well.
  • I'd like to conduct polls or facilitate requests in the future, and I'd probably do it here.
Displaying posts with tag Nsfw.Reset Filter
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Noir's half of the animation. I'll be working on Blanc's next week probably.
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Snail Lady wife part 2. That's enough monstergirls for now, back to work on commissions.
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Finally finished with the Diesel animation. I had a lot of fun with this one, so please enjoy it. Now that this is done I have a few commissions to get to, but I think next on my list for animation vids is Trony.
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Diesel Doggy variant for the animation. Tomorrow I'm actually gonna stop making assets and just put the whole thing together, surely. 
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Okay yeah. I have no self control so I finished it. 
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Part 2 of a commission for twitter user SpiralDizz of their OC, Dusk. 
This was made using a previous animation of mine as a template, which is something I'll be adding to my public commission offerings soon as an option (at a reduced price compared to all new animations.)
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