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Vorpal profile
NSFW Artist, Developing "From the Sin."

Планы подписки

в месяц
Fellow Adventurer

This tier is to show that you enjoy the game, and want to see more of it.

  1. Access to Subscriber's-only posts.
  2. Sneak Peeks for new updates, including NSFW.
  3. Be able to participate in content-polls for the future of the game.
  4. Exclusive Discord role: "Fellow Adventurer".
  5. My huge thanks.
0 подписчиков Fellow Adventurer
в месяц
Former Sinner

You've decided to support this project on its first release, and for that, I'm greatly thankful.

  1. Early Access to updates (1 week).
  2. Access to Subscriber's-only posts.
  3. Sneak Peeks for new updates, including NSFW.
  4. Exclusive NSFW images.
  5. Participate in content-polls for the future of the game.
  6. Your nickname in the special thanks section of the game (DM me if you want a specific name, or if you don't want one at all).
  7. Exclusive Discord role for early-supporters: "Former Sinner".
  8. Exclusive Discord role: "Forsaken Sinner".
  9. My huge thanks.
12 подписчиков Forsaken Sinner ; Former Sinner
в месяц
Star Blessed

For the ones who believe in this project and its future, for the ones who want to know every single detail about it, for the ones who enjoy the stories in a sinful land—my eternal gratitude.

  1. Early Access to updates (1 week)
  2. Access to Subscriber's-only posts.
  3. Sneak Peeks for new updates, including NSFW.
  4. Exclusive NSFW images.
  5. Participate in content-polls for the future of the game.
  6. Your name at the special thanks section credits of the game (DM me if you want a specific name, or if you don't want one at all).
  7. Exclusive Discord role: "Star Blessed".
  8. Exclusive Discord role for early-supporters: "Former Sinner".
  9. A Special Gift from time to time~
  10. My eternal gratitude.
2 подписчика Star Blessed ; Former Sinner

NSFW - "Remember Cetia's Thermal Baths?"

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Discord server open for Subscribers!

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Публичный пост

Notes found in that Library (I)

Beware the eclipse's shadowed dance,
Where the abyss casts its chilling glance.
In the veil of darkness, sinners stray,
As the moon's shadow leads astray.

In the gloom, the shadow lurkers does dwell,
Where eerie whispers sound its knell.
Within the eclipse, secrets hide,
And those who seek may lose their stride,

For when the sun and moon align,
The abyss gazes, an eerie sign.
Through twisted paths and winding lanes,
Sin's reflection in darkness reigns.

Thus heed the warning, wanderer wise,
In eclipse's shadow, secrets arise.
But beware the abyss's silent stare,
For it sees you, beyond compare.

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0. 01 to 0. 02 Save File Issue

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Early Access: From the Sin | V0. 02 | Dancing In Acid Rain.

This post also includes Mega.NZ content links
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From the Sin | V0.02 | Dancing In Acid Rain.

Early access of the next version will be released April 6 for subscribers.

I decided to change the date of release to make sure the update is good and polished enough for release, sorry for the inconvenience and I wish you a happy week.

- 6 Main story scenes

- 2 Lewd scenes

- UI Changes and expansions

- New music and sound effects

- Fixes/Changes for previous content

I'm still working on the Discord server, you can expect it to be up and running pretty soon.

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12 подписчиков
9 постов


Until I can buy a jar of cookies.
$59 of $120
per month
My dyslexia level decreases, and my motivation level increases.

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