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BootlegJones profile
NSFW comics and pinups

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
3 dollar gang

Just for those who want to subscribe 3 dollars instead Both 3 dollar gang and 5 dollar gang get to see the same work

Early access: See what I'm cooking before anyone else does on my social medias
Discord access: I have a Discord you can get into and see what I do more personally
SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD в месяц
5 dollar gang

For those that want to subscribe 5 dollars to me Both 5 dollar gang and 3 dollar gang share the same stuff

Monthly Poll voting: Vote for the next character to be drawn
Early access: See what I'm cooking before anyone else does on my social medias
Discord access: I have a Discord you can get into and see what I do more personally
SubscribeStar $5.00 tier
USD в месяц
10$ Gang tier

For those that want to subscribe 10 dollars to me. You get the same perks as both 3 and 5$ tier gang

Monthly Comic Poll voting: You can vote between 3 different 5 Page Comics that I will present at the beginning of every month

Monthly Poll voting: Vote for the next character to be drawn Early access: See what I'm cooking before anyone else does on my social medias

Discord access: I have a Discord you can get into and see what I do more personally

SubscribeStar $10.00 tier
USD в месяц

For those that want to subscribe 10 dollars to me. You get the same perks as the lower tiers

Character suggestion: You suggest to me a character you want drawn as a sketch once a month -OCs allowed so long as they aren't complicated -Meteor Creek characters, Ghastly Sisters, Claire and her Pups are appreciated -Not interested in Gay, Feet or extreme fetishes

Monthly Comic Poll voting: You can vote between 3 different 5 Page Comics that I will present at the beginning of every month

Monthly Poll voting: Vote for the next character to be drawn

Early access: See what I'm cooking before anyone else does on my social medias Discord access: I have a Discord you can get into and see what I do more personally

Лимитировано (1 из 5) подписчиков
SubscribeStar $20.00 tier


  • Early access to Comic projects and Pinups, you can also vote on what comics I make next
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Cooper is like his Dad

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Valentines day comic

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Пост заблокирован прайс-планом $3, $5, $10, $20 .s
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