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foxsaliant profile
Saliant here! I’m a commission and pin-up artist as well as the creator of the webcomic, Various Happenings, and other projects!

Планы подписки

USD в месяц
Friendly Foxes

Get your name on my webpage of supporters, as well as access to comic collections, pack images, and warm-up doodles before they go up on my site or store! You will also get to participate in polls to vote on monthly originals, wallpapers, pin-ups and the like!

8 подписчиков Friendly Fox ; Frisky Fox
USD в месяц
Fun Foxes

Get access to the FSS VIP Discord, and get to see pages in progress, outlines, notes, and design sketches of current and future characters, locales and projects! You also get all previous benefits.

16 подписчиков Fun Fox ; Frisky Fox
USD в месяц
Cool Foxes

Patrons of this tier receive a 5% discount on any commissioned items!

You also get all previous benefits.

5 подписчиков Cool Fox ; Frisky Fox
USD в месяц
Fanclub Foxes

Get a special thanks banner on the front page of the Various Happenings as well as special mentions on my blogs and the Fox Saliant site for that month along with the previous discord benefits, and a 10% discount on commission work! Plus, you get my extreme gratitude for being so awesome! n.n

4 подписчика Fanclub Fox ; Frisky Fox


  • Access to all my art at full resolution as well as variants and alternate versions!
  • Access to the community discord, and for higher tiers, special VIP access to art and works-in-progress as they're being produced!
  • A chance to vote on future pictures and projects, so that I know what sort of content my most loyal fans are looking for!
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Powerpuff Stuff - Blossom Bedicked

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