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Farleven's Domain
Farleven's Domain

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For all those looky loos out there. You'll get access here to the free releases all in one place and any other public posts I make.

207 подписчиков SubscribeStar $0.00 tier ; Watcher
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Join as a minion to help me support my free releases and get access to already packaged EPubs ready for your reading pleasure.

7 подписчиков SubscribeStar $2.00 tier ; Minion
USD в месяц

This is the tier for a harder core fan willing to get onto the rougher side of things. Or rather to get access to rough drafts, sketches, and scraps of stories that haven't quite made it all the way through. Also early access to published stories that haven't made it to the free sites yet.

13 подписчиков SubscribeStar $5.00 tier ; Henchmen


  • Support my free story releases. ( And get Epubs here! )
  • Vote for exclusive monthly short stories. ( Top tiers get to suggest the ideas! )
  • Get early access to published stories that haven't hit the free release stage.
Farleven's Domain

Spiked - The World Corrupted

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Farleven's Domain

Feather Dusters and Eager Kitties - A Costume Mixup

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Farleven's Domain

The Breeding Games Pt 1

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Farleven's Domain

Rapid Descent - FF, FD, MC ( A very late delivery of the October 2021 story )

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