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Fairy's Rule
Fairy's Rule
An adult-friendly action RPG!
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Fairy's Rule
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Currently working on the basics
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Fairy's Rule
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I made a placeholder asset for Exy and her starting clothes, and I'm using it to logic out how Erogel will play in Godot 4 Beta 12 (which will go up as new releases come out).  This is a relatively low-spec game compared to Fairy's Rule, so I expect that it'll be easy to update while we wait for Godot 4 to have release candidates.
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Fairy's Rule

Concept art for Erogel's playable protag Exy, in her starting armour, and her upgraded set.

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Fairy's Rule

Updated the banner image! I've recruited a couple of people to help out, and one of them ("Friend...

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Fairy's Rule
Public post

A little progress on the fancy-font.  I'm hoping it'll be comparably readable to OpenDyslexic, while adding a bit of personality to the game, but I'll have OpenDyslexic available as an option either way.
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Fairy's Rule

I've started streaming on picarto!

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