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EyeBeast profile
Hello, I'm known as EyeBeast and I specialize in writing various types of fetish stories. My stories contain, but are not limited to: expansion, transformation, weight gain, a specialty in slob, and other strange subjects.

Subscription Tiers

per month

For just $1, you'll receive my thanks for supporting me alongside giving you access to polls.

0 subscribers
per month

You gain access to previews of non-commissioned stories as they're being worked on, one day early access to my stories, and PDFs of each story I write.

0 subscribers
per month

At this tier you gain the ability to request writing prompts to be turned into weekly, very short stories (average 3 paragraphs in length). More details about the specifics for these prompt requests will be made on the appropriate prompt requests post.

0 subscribers
per month

At this tier, you gain the ability to suggest characters, scenarios, and entire story ideas for monthly story polls. Keep in mind that these aren't commissions and that I may make some modifications to your ideas.

0 subscribers
per month

At this tier, in addition to all of the previous benefits, you get a 33% discount on any commissions from me as well as access to the exclusive Supporter slot and waiting list.

0 subscribers


  • $1+: Vote in polls. $3+: Early access to previews and stories. $5+: Weekly prompt requests. $10+: Suggesting stories for poll. $25: Access to the supporter commission list along with a 33% discount.

The subscription gives you:
  • Access to Creator's profile content.
  • Ability to support your Creator by pledging – one-time or recurring.
  • Means to reaching out to the Creator directly via Instant Messenger.
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