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EternalsDeveloping profile
We are Eternals Developing, a small game development circle that mainly focuses on various types of mixed Visual Novel games of an erotic nature. In addition to this, I (Eiliya) also do extra work as a Japanese-to-English translator.

Планы подписки

в месяц
Fledgeling Adventurer

This tier gives you the Fledgeling Adventurer role in Discord.

2 подписчика Fledgeling Adventurer
в месяц
Novice Adventurer

This tier gives you the Novice Adventurer role in Discord. You also gain access to the latest version of the game, but the cheat menu has been turned off.

0 подписчиков Novice Adventurer
в месяц
Established Adventurer

This tier gives you the Established Adventurer role in Discord. It also gives you the latest version of the game, with the cheat menu enabled. Finally, you will also gain access to NSFW preview art for stuff that hasn't yet been put into the game.

2 подписчика Established Adventurer
в месяц
Veteran Adventurer

This tier gives you the Veteran Adventurer role on Discord. It also gives you access to the latest version of the game, with the cheat menu enabled. In addition, it also gives you access to the NSFW previews from the Established Adventurer tier and you also get access to high resolution versions of the finished art for the game.

0 подписчиков Veteran Adventurer
в месяц
Veteran Adventurer (Elite)

This tier gives the same rewards as the normal Veternal Adventurer, except that you will also be given the opportunity to co-design, within certain limits, one monster or trap, to appear in the dungeon.

Лимитировано (0 из 40) подписчиков
Veteran Adventurer
в месяц
Legendary Adventurer

This tier gives you the Legendary Adventurer role in Discord, which in turn gives you access to certain developer-only channels on the server. It also gives you access to the latest build of the game, complete with the cheat menu enabled. You will also be given access to both the NSFW previews and HQ finalized art from previous tiers. Finally, you will also be given the right to co-design, within certain limits, one encounter with an NPC within the dungeon.

Лимитировано (0 из 10) подписчиков
Legendary Adventurer
в месяц
The Heroes

This tier is only here for those who have too much money for their own good. It will give you the Hero role on Discord and give you access to everything from the normal Veteran Adventurer tier. Since we wish to keep this reward unlimited, we have decided to not allow you to co-design anything for the game, lest we run the risk of getting flooded with backer-created content.

0 подписчиков Hero

Добро пожаловать!

  • When subscribing to our channel, you will get access to our private discord server, where you will be able to talk to fellow supporters and crew.
  • If you subscribe at the correct tiers, you will also be able to get your hands on the latest version of the game. The free demo will always be one update behind the real deal.
  • If you subscribe at the higher tiers, you will be given the opportunity to leave your personal print on certain parts of the game. This will be subject to restrictions, of course.

Подписавшись вы получаете:
  • Доступ к контенту на этой странице.
  • Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.


$18 of $20
per month
This goal is just to show how much support we had over on Patreon, it serves no real purpose.
$18 of $600
per month
This goal, if reached, would cover the monthly minimum costs for the coder working on the game.

Другие Звёзды


Подписавшись вы получаете:
  • Доступ к контенту на этой странице.
  • Поддерживать автора контента материально - единоразово или на регулярной основе.
  • Возможность общаться напрямую с автором контента через чат на сайте.
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