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Estee profile
Composing MLP fanfiction of all types, centering on 'coherent'. Featuring character interpretation, worldbuilding, and a readership which likes to go off on two-month tangents regarding the proper construction of centaur armor.

Subscription Tiers

USD monthly
Background Pony

For those who just want to offer base support.

5 subscribers
USD monthly
Ponyville Resident

This tier allows the subscriber to suggest edits for 'verse-related TVTropes pages. Also, you get to know that you helped a writer pay their electric bill. According to Stephen King, that makes me a professional. Anyone wanna argue with Big Steve?

7 subscribers
USD monthly
Mane Cast

Subscribers on this level may submit an annual Dictate My Blog topic request. (I will post a notice when submissions open.) I'll write an essay on your chosen topic -- within reason, and I reserve the right to reject certain questions. You can also suggest edits for the 'verse TVTropes pages. Being on this tier also means you're a Real Pony now. This may or may not play havoc with your wardrobe.

3 subscribers
USD monthly
Lunar Guard

You're just here to keep an eye on things. Um. A very watchful, guardian sort of eye. Um. Not to imply there was any other kind. Um... anyway, includes benefits from prior tiers?

1 subscriber
USD monthly
Royal Retainer

In addition to the benefits from prior tiers, I may occasionally offer sneak previews of stories -- or give out a password which allows you to watch as stories are composed in FIMFic's creation window. You are paying to potentially be a literary voyeur. Is this an adult page yet?

5 subscribers
USD monthly
Empire Expatriate

You live well outside Equestria and have to take Special Measures in order to keep in touch with those beyond your borders. Includes benefits from previous tiers.

1 subscriber
USD monthly
Actual Alicorn

So you were able to open a dimensional gate from Equestria, and you're using that ability to -- sponsor a fanfic writer. Mysterious are the ways of the horned & winged. (Also includes benefits from previous tiers.)

1 subscriber
USD monthly
Centaur did you get here?

0 subscribers
USD monthly

This tier does not actually exist.

1 subscriber


  • Some subscriber tiers allow a request for blog topic essays.
  • Subscribers may also potentially request trope entries and edits on 'verse-related TVTropes pages
  • There's also a chance of sneak story previews.
Public post
Hello, SubscribeStar and those who may venture within.  I'm Estee, and I've been writing MLP stories on FIMFiction for what some might consider to be a Really Long Time.  Most of my work is set within what's come to be its own 'verse, generally known as the Triptych ContinuumI have a reputation so widespread that as many as five thousand people might know who I am.  Within the pony community.  Globally.  So in that sense, yes, I totally have a rep.  Several of them.  If you want to decide whether I'm one of the better creators in the community or the worst thing which ever happened to it, I recommend checking out my story catalog

I typically post five times per month:  either complete short stories or chapters for ongoing longforms, with a minimum per-post word count of 5K -- at least, for the pieces I charge for.  I've been crowdfunded since The Stupid Traffic Ticket Of '16.  And I don't really write what some would consider to be explicit material -- but I do work with the site's Mature rating on occasion, and that's the reason I've making my debut in the Adult section.  Because my main pledge processor has been steadily cracking down on the shifting definition of 'adult material' and as a result, some of my sponsors want to leave that site.  One person, who wanted to continue backing me, asked if I was willing to set up somewhere else.

So here I am.  Not quite part of the Great Exodus, but -- trying to establish myself on a new sponsorship site, for those who may be tired of the old one.

If you just somehow stumbled in here?  Gawds and deities help you.  And now I have to convince you that supporting my writing is somehow worth your money.

Good luck, me.

Still...  if I have any argument at all, it's likely in what's already been created.

So go to that story catalog.  Read a little or a lot, if you're in the mood.  Then decide if you want to read more of those words.  The SubscribeStar page will still be here when you get back. 

But for those coming over from The Other Site, or who didn't want to sponsor me until I was here -- welcome.  I hope this accommodates your needs.  Just let me know if I need to make any tweaks to the page.

Oh -- and to answer what I'm fairly sure is the Big Question for those comparing between sites:  'Why did the prices go up so much?'  Because on The Other Site, I had a system where I could charge by the post. SubscribeStar only bills per month.  Accordingly, I took my normal output of five postings per billing period, looked at the old pledge tiers, accounted for inflation, and then added a multiplier.  You're basically looking at the old system being billed on a monthly basis.  However, I am willing to add new tiers for those who want to maintain their previous numbers.  Again, just let me know.

So I'm effectively starting all over.
With a sponsor count of -- zero.

...oh, there's the stress...

Let's have a poll!  If you're reading this, then please tell me why you're here today.

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