Squid Game Soldier outfit from Squid Game tv Series for Honey Select 2 by Dyo-Anima

This includes the items shown below:

  • -Top:Soldier Outfit Squid Game by Dyo Anima
  • -Shoes:Boots from Squid Game by Dyo Anima
  • -Accesory face:Triangle mask by Dyo Anima (Squid Game)
  • -Accesory face:Circle mask by Dyo anima (Squid game)
  • -Accesory face:Square mask by Dyo anima (Squid Game)

How to install:
Just copy the folders of the same name into the main folder of the game.

If you have any questions, problems or suggestions do not hesitate to contact me, I will answer as soon as I can.I am open to work commissions for HS2 mods, contact me for more info.

Extra Notes:
  • -Includes a character card and cordinate card.
  • -This suit comes from the game as a freefire skin.
  • -I recommend using short hair as the hood of the suit could look ugly seeing as it goes through the hair.
  • -It has nudity on the chest and also the vagina.
  • -The boots are separate from the suit.
  • -The masks are always dark, you should change the color to white to make them look good.

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