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DX Gagorder
DX Gagorder
Wild fantasy stories of taboo and erotic horror. New adventures from DX, plus classic DX stories from Gag Order. Permanent bondage, mad science, bimbofication, forniphillia sissies, chastity, ponies, hucows, thrills and chills!
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DX Gagorder
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A Most Contagious Fantasy
Copyrighted Sept 2000, June 2024, all rights reserved.

 Spheres of golden oranges, glinting in the bright, white electric light caught her eye, and at that moment she decided to buy them.  She could see in her mind the gleaming, sweet, yet tart juice in a tall narrow glass, absorbing the morning rays of the sun, standing guard over her husband's breakfast.
 She knew it would be, although she would never taste it.
 Automatic mist hoses sprinkled the broad, emerald green leaves of the Chinese cabbage, showering them with diamonds.  The apples where piled high, like a bubbling mountain of blood. 
 She blinked to stop the images.  She was staring again, lost in the brilliant colors of the fresh produce.  She did that more and more since her sight was the only sense
left to her.
 Her hands, now thumbless mittens, carefully selected her oranges.  She had to hold each orange with both hands and carefully drop them into the clingy plastic bag. 
 Although her skin was a shinny, translucent latex, it was hard to grip the fat round oranges.  
 From the corner of her eye she could see the grocer watching her.  Such a sweet man, always on hand to help if need be.  He was drawn to her because of her erotic air of helplessness.  
 She was very helpless, and that empowered her.
 She pushed her cart along to the check out.  Her ballet shoes clicked sharply on the shinny tile.  She had dangerous legs.  The kind that could cause a pile up on the highway from drivers, male and female alike, turning to look at them.  Perched high above them was her magnificent ass, cheeked just right to beg for a hard hand to slap. 
 Her waist, pinched to almost nothing, made every woman draw a sharp breath from a sympathetic gasp.  Her bosom was heaving, jutting out of her chest, defying the law of gravity.  All of this was covered over with the tiniest of sun dresses.  The dress barely concealed the steel corset that wrapped her body, or the breast covers that locked away her nipples, or the chastity that secured her sex forever.  What they could see was the massive gag that sealed away her mouth and the plugs that took away sound and smell.  They could see the tall, stiff collar that held her head regally erect.  Her hair was gone, save for a plume of glowing amber that came from the back of her head and her eyebrows and her long, long eye lashes.  Her ankles and wrists were shackled to add that much more to her prison.
 She was a chastised woman.  Infected by a runaway fantasy that her husband had; a fantasy he never thought would be.  She now lived to the extreme and she found herself continually adding to her plight, her helplessness.  To her delight and despair, she had now reached the point were she could no longer add to her body and still function.
 At the check out, she watched the girl ring up her groceries.  She had a sweet, pleasant face and a quick smile.  Her eyes were wide and wondrous as they stole glances at the strange customer, trying not to stare.
 It had been a few years ago when she first found the Chasti-Permalock corporation and locked herself up before she had the courage to venture out of the house.  She got strange, long and open stares from the neighborhood.  She only held her head proudly, and not just because of the stiff, high neck collar, and went about her daily business.  
 Now, at the register, there was an inquisitive girl whose stares were of wonder. 
 Her name tag read: Rebecca.
 "What's it like?"  The girl asked in hushed whisper.

Teaser:  for the whole story, and many other tales of wild kink, consider supporting us at:

Copyrighted Sept 2000, June 2024, all rights reserved.
[email protected]
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DX Gagorder

A Most Contagious FantasyBy DXCopyrighted Sept 2000, June 2024, all rights reserved. Spheres of g...

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DX Gagorder
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de milo


Copyrighted 3/2008, 5/2024,  All rights reserved. Story may not be used without Author's written consent.


Sunlight splayed strews of diamonds across the sapphire water as rainbows in spray caressed her soft, gold tanned cheeks. She finished her yoga routine, feeling the energy flow, and her body as supple as a wave. With a sigh, her smile easy and comfortable, she scanned the horizon of ocean that surrounded her.
Nothing but sea.
She checked her sails. They were full and fat with wind. She gauged they're doing an easy fourteen knots. Steady as she goes.
Just then, the sun slid across the bow as they changed course. Her nose crinkled as she wondered why. As she looked back to the quarterdeck, she noticed First Mate William, a dodgy, crusty sailor make his way up.
"Bit of a storm brewing, Miss Venus." He said, pulling slack from the forward jib. "Captain put in a course change to stay clear of it." Smoothly and efficiently, he began coiling the line. "Captain also wanted you to know we have a signal.
Venus acknowledged him a small sneer, watching his strong arms work, his muscles playing in the golden light, before rolling over and powering up her lap-top. While there was very little that made her happier than sailing around the Mediterranean, there were bills to pay. In the olden days, she would have ordered her crew to board some fat merchant vessel and plunder it for anything shiny before sending it to Davy Jones' locker with all hands aboard, but she was a modern pirate, and her tools were not flintlocks and cutlasses, but a computer and a cell phone.
On her message board, a note from a former client popped up, urgent.
Venus stalled a brief moment until William made his way aft and out of ear shot before picking up her phone. The client had paid well for her to steal a computer chip from a rival company. Venus smiled inwardly at the memory as she dialed her cell. It had been a challenging caper. The fortress of the Chasti-Permalock company proved to be formidable, but like every castle in history, it had a weakness. Venus first tracked a saleswoman, seduced her, discovered how to reprogram the devices, then locked the woman in a suitcase and buried her alive in a land fill, the woman's own nanites in her blood keeping her healthy in her tiny new tomb. 
Venus then took the saleswoman's sample devices, reprogrammed them, then tracked another employee with a high security access, drugged her, locked the newly reprogrammed devices on her giving her an hour to procure the chip she wanted or the devices would go into permanent lock down.
The woman complied and handed over the chip, and good to her word, Venus provided the woman the key, but in a strange, ironic twist, in the final seconds, the woman's boyfriend, the original designer of the chip, thinking the whole thing a game, interrupted the woman just as she was about to use the key to free herself.
Then the clock ran out.
Venus smirked. It couldn't have worked out better. The woman was gagged, unable to tell anyone what had happened because nanites ate away the part of her brain that allowed her to communicate and further more, they sexually stimulated her to the brink of orgasm, but never let her have one. Venus thought the woman would have gone insane, but the nanites kept her healthy both mentally and physically. She was aware of what was happening but unable to do anything about it.
Venus imagined the girl locked away in a soft padded room wrapped up in a straight jacket. The image of the poor girl writhing around in continual near orgasm made Venus almost laugh out loud.
"Hello? Miss Venus?" A man answered the phone. "This is Mr. Green."
"Speak." She purred. "What's the job and what's the pay?"
"Uh, yes, about that. It's in reference to the last job." His voice trembled nervously. "Did you break the seal?"
A dark cloud of anger past over her face. "Are you questioning my integrity?" She asked, her eyes thinning to slits. She tried to second guess their game. They had already paid her in full. Perhaps they were looking for a discount on the next job. "The agreement was for the seals to be intact and that's what you got." She struggled to keep her voice even. "Now stop wasting my time! Do you have a job or not?"
"Well, we don't have anything for you right now, but,"
She clicked off the phone in a huff, her nose crinkling. They had tripled her pay to insure the seals would remain un-broken. The technology of nanites that Chasti-Permalock held so close in secret was worth a king's ransom to any nation.
Venus calmed herself. The replacement seals were perfect copies. There was no way they could have known she had broken the seals.
So why risk contacting her?
She turned to her laptop, powering up the web cam.
On the screen, she peered at the flickering lights and monitors of Eva's workshop, a bird's nest of wire and cobbled computer parts.
There was no Eva.
Eva was the penultimate hacker. An agoraphobe, Eva was always at her station, searching for marks and targets for Venus to exploit. She wore rubber bloomers with urine collection bags to minimize trips to the bathroom even though no space in her twelve by twelve foot apartment was outside the scope of her reach and wheeled office chair. Venus had never even seen her walk and yet, her chair was mysteriously empty. "Eva!" Venus called. "Where are you?"
"Venus?" A dry hiss sounded off camera. "Venus! Where are you?"
"In the middle of the ocean. Where are you?"
Venus could hear something heavy slide across the hard wood floor, followed by a hard thump. She heard a second, then a third.
Venus held her breath as Eva's face slid into view.
Eva had never been an attractive woman. She was fat, grotesquely so, with pimples plaguing her face well into adulthood. Her eyes were small, round and too close together and although she was only thirty five, whenever the pizza boy delivered, he would always make mention that she could take advantage of the senior citizen discount.
Venus could see that Eva's ratty sweater hung off her tiny frame. Her breasts, formally flat pancakes hanging from her chest, were full, round and perky. Eva was having trouble moving, and seemed unable to sit. She reached out with stiff hands and adjusted the camera, tilting it up.
Half of Eva's face was black, shiny stone.

Teaser: for the whole story, consider supporting us at:

Copyrighted 3/2008, 5/2024,  All rights reserved. Story may not be used without Author's written consent.

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DX Gagorder

de miloBy DXCopyrighted 3/2008, 5/2024, All rights reserved. Story may not be used without Author...

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DX Gagorder
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A New Prenuptial


Copyrighted 5/2002 All rights reserved.

The transformation was amazing.

Nora had always been beautiful. Distractingly beautiful. But there had always been something, like a cloud passing in front of the sun, that darkened her. 

It was her soul. 

A self serving, almost evil soul that bled away her beauty. I saw it from day one, but Oscar, rich, old and lonely Oscar never saw it, even after he married her. He never saw it until he walked in on her sucking off the cabana boy in the pool house.

That was six months ago.

Now she was dedicated to him, attentive. Her eyes sparkled only for him and her beauty; her neck snapping beauty that seemed to radiate even though almost half of her face was shielded by the smooth, featureless plate of the Chasti-gag.

Quite a change from six months ago.

She was amazingly passionate. Her sobs were timed by an atomic clock, her sighs plucked heart strings and her pitiful, yet hopeful, sapphire blue eyes sparkled as tears rimed her cheeks. I watched the show with stoic disinterest. She was playing the emotional game, soul manipulation; the pitiful young girl who made a tinsy winsy little mistake and if you could find in your heart to forgive her, start a clean slate, she would be such a good little girl, yours forever. Heart, soul and smoking hot body, all for you. It really was a good performance, one of the best I've ever seen, and I've seen more than my fair share. But she had to be good. Billions were at stake.

Nora Winslet, before saying 'I do' to become Mrs Nora Reinfield, signed a prenuptial agreement to the effect that if she ever cheated on her husband to be, their marriage would be annulled and she would not be entitled to a single cent of the Reinfield fortune. She would lose her massive monthly salary, custody of any children they might have had, and any chance at inheriting aging Oscar Reinfield's fortune. She'd be out on her butt instantly. The prenupt was air tight and upheld by numerous case precedent. It was the perfect contract.

I wrote it after all.

She sat across us with her lawyer, batting her eyes at her husband, so grateful for this second chance. I had prepped him, as any good lawyer, not to make eye contact with his young bombshell wife, but he was melting anyway. I had to keep this moving. If he caved, the plan would crash like a lead balloon.

I pushed the forms forward. "If you'll just sign these."

"Of course." She reached for them slowly.

Her lawyer pounced on them like a puma. This was their rehearsed roles. Evelyn Samson was one of the best divorce lawyers in the country. I should know, she had been my protege. Their best plan was to stall long enough for Oscar to melt and forgo the new pre-nupt and just take her back. Forgoing that, haggling.

Evelyn was all over it. "What is this about chastity devices?"

Nora's sweet innocent act slipped. "Chastity devices?"

"That's non-negotiable." I huffed. "Oscar has to be certain that Nora will remain faithful."

Evelyn shook her head. "Unacceptable. You're being barbaric and a chauvinist." She pushed the papers back at me. "When you're ready to join the 21st century, give us a call."

I scooped them up. "Good-day then."

Nora panicked when she saw Oscar slide his chair back. "Wait a minute." She squeaked.

Evelyn jumped in, almost surprised it was her client melting. She glared at me. "Cut me some slack here, Richard. You're not being reasonable. Besides you couldn't get this past a judge. There's Nora's health to consider." She leaned forward. "Feminine health."

I slid over a sleek aluminum case before them and opened it up casually.  Nestled in dense foam were gleaming golden toys from the Chasti-Permalock Corporation. "Welcome to the 21st century." I paused dramatically, letting the reflected light play off of Nora's young face. "Designed by women for women and takes into consideration all female sanitary needs. Lightweight, discrete and comfortable." I slid the brochure towards Nora. "Here are the specs."

Teaser, for the whole story, consider supporting us at:

Copyrighted, 4.2024, all rights reserved.
[email protected]

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DX Gagorder

A New PrenuptialBy DXCopyrighted 5/2002, 4/2024 All rights reserved. Story and art may not be rep...

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