The last third of 2024 really kicked my butt. I was horribly sick multiple times, started a new casual job, got a flood of commissions, started (and eventually finished) several bigger projects, including a collab commission and a new tabletop thing that will be released very soon. These bigger projects are more or less wrapped up as far as my involvement goes, which means I'm going to be figuring out what my next project(s) are going to be. If you'd like to be involved in that discussion and want to see the work in progress updates, I highly, highly recommend jumping on the discord. I try to update there a couple times a week, as opposed to here where it's once every few months. I also host all the art, work in progress content, polls, etc. over on the discord because it's way easier for parity. I will likely be posting a bunch of WIP and concept art as well as doing several polls and other things over there throughout February as I plan out the next year of content.
If you are into my D&D / Tabletop stuff, keep an eye on my socials on February 19th. Got a big new thing coming that I'm very excited about.
Thank you all for joining me going forward into the new year. I know it'll be a stressful one for a lot of us, but I hope you all stay safe, and keep your spirits up, and I hope I can continue to create content that gives you all some little joys if you're ever feeling down.