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I really appreciate the support! This'll help me grab some sharp cheddar!

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How spicy! You're too nice to me! You get a 10% discount on commissions~!

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Oh gosh! You're really spoiling me! Thank you! You get a cool 15% off commissions~!

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  • A nifty Discord server!
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Hello everyone, and happy Friday! No joke this week, as I just wanna tell you all how much you mean to me. I wouldn't be where I am without you all. You are all my dear friends, and you've all helped me out more than you could ever know. I love y'all dearly, and I want nothing but the best for you! 
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A happy Friday to you all~! I hope this week finds you well! If not, let me know and I'll beat up all your troubles.

I had a friend come up to me this week and say, "You know, I just watched someone do 50 push-ups. I bet you couldn't do that!" I told them, "Of course I could! I don't wanna sound like I'm bragging, but I could probably watch someone do 100 push-ups!" 
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Hello hello, everyone! And happy Friday! I hope you all had a good week this week! But if not, maybe this joke will help perks things up for you~ 

You know, a lion would never play golf. But a Tiger Wood!
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Hello all you lovelies! I hope y'alls week went swimmingly! I've got a math lesson for you this week!

Did you know 1+1 can equal 3? It can, if you don't use a condom~! 
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Guten Tag, Fruende! Ich hoffe ihr hattet alle eine tolle Woche!

Did you know that before crowbars were invented, crows had to drink alone? 
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Good Friday all you wonderful critters! I hope your week was as wonderful as you all are~! 

I spent a bunch of money a few days ago on a limousine, but it turns out the fee didn't include a driver! I can't believe it! I spent all that money and I have nothing to chauffeur it!
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$118 of $500
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This is pretty much everything I need to live every month! Bills and food and everything!

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