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I write smutty novels. I have some interesting ideas which I hope will be able to surprise you.
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Reverse World - Index

1. A day like any other 2. Investigating the situation, detective Ben in action 3. Time to experiment 4. Job change, from detective to actor 5. Wisdom of a nurse 6. Let’s not forget about the principle of equivalent exchange 7. It’s important to keep expanding one’s knowledge 8. Be careful of cars on the way home! 9. Thank you, my best friend, the Internet 10. Family dinner 11. First lesson 12. The correct way 13. I can help 14. Learning cooking 15. Cars are really dangerous 16. Comfortable routine 17. Hunter 18. Date with Karen 19. Visiting Karen’s home 20. Thanking Karen 21. Miranda’s suggestion 22. Miranda’s efforts 23. Miranda’s satisfaction 24. Trains are safe 25. Family time 26. Meeting grandmother’s friends Bonus story 1 – Conducting a survey 1 Bonus story 1 – Conducting a survey 2 27. Time to golf 28. End of the weekend 29. Fetching Chloe after school 30. Eating ice cream 31. Apologizing 32. Sasha has an idea 33. A try out 34. Meeting Nova at school 35. Inspection 36. School party 37. Exploring the villa 38. After golf, bowling? 39. Grace’s friends 40. Wins and losses 41. Trip back home 42. Reflection 43. Forgiveness 44. Desk work is hard on the shoulders 45. Talk at school 46. Agitation 47. Concern 48. Coward 49. Presidential 50. Commoner 51. Peaceful evening 52. Weekend again 53. That would make me feel bad 54. It’s better to leave it to the experts 55. Leave no one behind 56. Hand down 57. Duel time 58. It’s normal 59. What is that? 60. Rabbits 61. Result 62. Punishment 63. Reward 64. Jogging after school 65. Rings 66. No exception 67. Instructions 68. Unexpected 69. Exit 70. Request 71. Proposals 72. Basketball match 73. Soccer match 74. Inclusive 75. Comprehensive 76. Understanding 77. The day after tomorrow 78. The chosen one 79. Cards 80. Hard-earned 81. Choice 82. Reverse 83. Venue 84. Concert 85. Laughing 86. Practical issue 87. Solution 88. Tour 89. Job details 90. Work 91. Options 92. First salary 93. Praises Bonus story 2 – Elevator 1 Bonus story 2 – Elevator 2 Bonus story 2 – Elevator 3 Bonus story 2 – Elevator 4 Bonus story 2 – Elevator 5 94. Multiplayer 95. Overwhelmed 96. Survival 97. Early morning 98. Secret 99. Possibility 100. Experience 101. Traditional 102. Duo 103. Pranksters 104. Found out 105. Activity 106. Café 107. Sorrow 108. Confidence 109. Lay down 110. Double 111. Switch 112. Preparations 113. Acclimatization 114. Starting line 115. Kick off 116. Forward 117. Art creation 118. Front 119. Implementation 120 – Report 121 – Announcement 122 – Sasha has a new idea 123 – Process 124 – Helper 125 – No time 126 – Board games 127 – A great place 128 – Game start 129 – Cooperation 130 – Nuisance 131 – Career 132 – Conference 133 – Excursion 134 – At a standstill 135 – Drive 136 – Grocery shopping 137 – Crying 138 – Break up 139 – Relocation 140 – Instinct 141 – Demand 142 – Interruption 143 – Forgiveness 144 – Guilt 145 – Aligned 146 – Payback 147 – Convincing 148 – Family bonds 149 – Direction 150 – Rotation 151 – Reciprocation 152 – Wind-up 153 – Shopping 154 – Curiosity 155 – Replenishing 156 – Basement 157 – Probing 158 – Recounting 159 – Alignment 160 – Efficiency 161 – Substitute 162 – Exclusive 163 – Beyond 164 – Above 165 – Elation 166 – Student council’s plans 167 – Organization 168 – Ninja  169 – Details 170 – Demonstration 171 – Help welcomed 172 – Seen 173 – Visit 174 – Nocturnal 175 – Luck 176 – Endeavor 177 – Bet 178 – Carry 179 – Easy 180 – Trap 181 – Efforts 182 – Same 183 – Simultaneous 184 – Embarrassed 185 – Farm 186 – Discussion 187 – Disadvantage 188 – Real 189 – Advantage 190 – Not yet 191 – Scolding 192 – Spy 193 – Blood 194 – Assistance 195 – Lure 196 – Two 197 – Plus 198 – One 199 – Equals 200 – Three 201 – Change 202 – Long term 203 – Cast 204 – Printing 205 – Testing 206 – Clinical trial 207 – Present 208 – Surprise 209 – Imitation 210 – Refusal 211 – Advice 212 – Profiles 213 – Auction 214 – Bidding war 215 – Stamina 216 – Lasting 217 – Impressed 218 – Proposal 219 – The Plan 220 – One step at a time 221 – Short 222 – Interlude 223 – Training 224 – Advice from experts 225 – Trying things out 226 – Learning 227 – Tension 228 – Cohesion 229 – Reversal 230 – Acceptance 231 – Blend 232 – Unitedly 233 – Continuation 234 – Finalization 235 – Overview 236 – To the end 237 – Fatigue 238 – Arrangements 239 – Show 240 – Contest 241 – House 242 – In preparation 243 – Rules 244 – Genuine 245 – Declaration 246 – Senses 247 – Chain 248 – Vicinity 249 – Kind helpers 250 – Resuming 251 – Duality 252 – Third phase 253 – Finale 254 – Counting 255 – Company 256 – Office 257 – Recruiting 258 – Enlisting 259 – Sampling 260 – Company work 261 – Current situation 262 – On the market 263 – Copy 264 – Rival company meeting 265 – Conditions 266 – Catch 267 – Will 268 – Awakening 269 – Admission 270 – Growth 271 – Graduation 272 – Fetching 273 – Emergency meeting 274 – Involvement 275 – Paradise 276 – Pick 277 – Clinic 278 – Expertly 279 – Repaying 280 – Alternating 281 – International 282 – Presentation 283 – Press conference 284 – Aftermath 285 – Unexpected visit 286 – Cooperation Epilogue – Biography 1 Epilogue – Biography 2 Bonus story 3 – The forgotten ones 1 Bonus story 3 – The forgotten ones 2 Bonus story 4 – What if Benjamin didn’t care Bonus story 5 – A day in Chloe’s happy life 1 Bonus story 5 – A day in Chloe’s happy life 2 Bonus story 6 – Course two 1 Bonus story 6 – Course two 2 Bonus story 6 – Course two 3 Bonus story 6 – Course two 4 Bonus story 6 – Course two 5 Bonus story 6 – Course two 6 Bonus story 6 – Course two 7 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 1 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 2 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 3 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 4 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 5 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 6 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 7 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 8 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 9 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 10 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 11 Bonus story 7 – A trip to the sea 12 Bonus story 8 – Tutoring 1 Bonus story 8 – Tutoring 2 Bonus story 8 – Tutoring 3 Bonus story 8 – Tutoring 4 Bonus story 8 – Tutoring 5 Bonus story 8 – Tutoring 6 Bonus story 9 - The next step 1 Bonus story 9 - The next step 2 Bonus story 9 - The next step 3 Bonus story 9 - The next step 4 Bonus story 9 - The next step 5 Bonus story 9 - The next step 6

Mind Reader - α - Index

Cover 1 - Current issues 2 - Testing the change 3 – First Day of School 4 - Life Choices 5 – Preparations 6 - What Goes Around Comes Around 7 – Empathy 8 – Gangs 9 – Talk with the Leader's Daughter 10 - Unrealistic Proposal 11 – Parallel 12 – Reading 13 - A Mixed Week 14 - A Small Issue 15 – Answer 16 - Slowly 17 - Dark Burst 18 - Hard Choices 19 - Laying Low 20 - Movie Theater 21 - Not the Same 22 – Guidance 23 – Changing Course 24 - Lost in Wonderland 25 - The Other Side 26 - Called Out 27 - In Enemy Territory 28 - Wins and Losses 29 – Information 30 – Transmission 31 – Doubt 32 – Assertive 33 – Protection 34 – Shared 35 – Persuading 36 – Alternating 37 - Invitation 38 - Mansion 39 - Gang Leader 40 - Short Respite 41 – Results 42 – Consequences 43 – Assault 44 - Waking Up 45 - Mixed News 46 – Revelations 47 – Intrusion 48 – Appearance 49 – Messages 50 – Visit 51 – Outburst 52 - New Apartment 53 – Tour 54 – Inexplicable 55 – Giusta 56 – History 57 – Role

Mind Reader - β - Index

Cover 1 - Atypical Encounter 2 - Understanding the Change 3 - Beginner's Mistake 4 - Back to School 5 - Charming Classmates 6 - That Girl 7 - The Advantage of Knowledge 8 - Strategizing 9 - Surprise Present 10 - The Power of Silence 11 - Common Sense 12 - Practical Teaching Method 13 - Unnecessary Interruption 14 – Late Evening 15 – New Day 16 - Making Friends 17 - Unwelcome Integration  18 - Counter 19 - Step by Step 20 – Nature 21 – Long Term 22 - Nocturnal Activities 23 - Worries for the Future 24 - Getting up to Par 25 - Pulling Through 26 - Ally 27 – Modern Conflicts 28 - Earning Money 29 – Search 30 – Tears 31 – Rumors 32 – Useless Alliance Chapter 33 – Weekend 34 – Green 35 – Challenge 36 – Video 37 – Work 38 – Helper 39 – User 40 – Pact 41 – New Addition 42 – Studio 43 – Tour 44 – Furniture 45 – Furniture 46 – Spar 47 - Youth Enthusiasm 48 – Challenges 49 – Strongest 50 - Moving

Open Sex World - Index

Cover 1 – Mandatory 2 – Diligent 3 – Booth 4 – Practice 5 – Explanation 6 - Street 7 – Priority 8 – Enthusiasm 9 – Teaching 10 – Continue 11 – Enough 12 – Kind Helper 13 - Fair Exchange 14 - From the Start 15 - Possible Variant 16 – Compensate 17 - Long Ago 18 – Generosity 19 – Debt 20 – Path 21 – Club 22 – Mission 23 – Ground 24 - Free Acts 25 - From Student to Teacher 26 – Creation 27 – Alternative 28 – Order 29 - Change of Target 30 – Showcasing 31 – Center 32 – Specialist 33 - Initiative 34 – Regrets 35 – Check 36 – Delay 37 – First Study 38 – Second Study 39 – Trick 40 - Third Study 41 – Addition 42 - Successful Business 43 – Attention 44 – State 45 – Alternating 46 – Observing 47 - Unexpected Effect 48 – Hopeless 49 – Advancement 50 – Criminal 51 – Sit 52 – Change 53 – Strict 54 – Unrestricted 55 – Verdict 56 – Comfort 57 - Select your Level 58 – Personality 59 – Turns 60 – Sit 61 – Reassuring 62 - Like in the Stories 63 – Check 64 – Dinner 65 – Another 66 – Replenishing 67 – Opinions 68 – Raid 69 – Visit 70 – Hesitation 71 – Discussion 72 – Deviation 73 - Good Enough 74 – Protests 75 – Change 76 – Failure 77 – Missing 78 – Specific 79 – Reference 80 – View 81 - Taking Charge 82 – Preparations 83 – Questioning 84 – Maturing 85 – Same 86 – Console Chapter 87 - Fourth Study 88 – Indulge 89 – Itch 90 – Sides 91 – Anything 92 – Sleepy 93 – Invasion 94 – Undisclosed 95 - Shall be Back 96 – Again 97 - Seeking Advice 98 - Personalized Instructions 99 – Song 100 – Different

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Bonus story 9 - The next step 1

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