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DerVisionar profile
What you can expect here is juicy and kinky polyamory content. Interested? Then go on further! My main focus will be developing the story of Visual Novel I created, The Successor. It all takes place in fictional city of Ryudo, which turns out to be home of the most depraved and perverted people. In this dog eat dog world, you will need a lot of wits and shrewdness to survive and thrive. Main hero, the eponymous successor, has to find his own way in this harsh world and resovle many issues deeply rooted into his legacy. The story might feel slow at start, as the hero is seemingly disconected from the reality surrounding him. But don't be mistaken! Main character here isn't yet another naive, impotent loser. His main virtue is the unbreakable willpower, that he aims to impose on the others. If you ever wanted a hero that is morally ambigious and is not afraid to use the power he wields for personal (frequently sexual) benefit, you are in right place. Like one of the founders of psychoanalysis said, sexuality is ones greatest strenght, but also can lead to ones downfall. To summarise expect a lot of spicy kinks involved, ones like: swinging, sharing, voyeurism, cucking (MC to others) and more.

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6 subscribers
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A "Thank You" Tier

If you enjoy the content, want to support the development or just have spare cash you want to waste, feel free to subscribe. At the end of each chapter I will include a special render to commemorate everyone who supported said development period.

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A "Thank You very much" Tier

Press teh button only if you REALLY enjoyed the content :)

Also viable if you want to be an unpaid beta tester. In short, one week pre release beta access (all the bugs and typos included).

0 subscribers
per month
A "Shut up and take my money" Tier

Well... I don't have anything more to offer than a sincere Thank You. All the previous rewards included. Plus! If you are interested, I will happily share some insight about how the story will develop.

0 subscribers


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